to my loyal readers

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first of all, thank u for 32k readers. i started this story in middle school and haven't written since my freshman year in high school and it's absolutely insane that i'm going to college this fall. i'm still so proud of this story even though it's cringey pre-teen goop. i've had a lot of great friends collab on this and it's extremely bittersweet to reread it. i had so many loyal readers and friends for so long and i'm extremely grateful i love each and every one of you.

due to the covid-19 boredom, i am extremely back on wattpad and continuing to write and read. if anyone has any suggestions, i'm so open to new fics, it's pretty much a nightly routine at this point. if u want a suggestion @/kassanovella has FIRE works. you can find her here or a lot more of her works on A03.

i would love to give every blonde needs a brunette the sequel it deserves if anyone at all would be interested. i apologize at how bad my oc's are and how stereotypical the characters are. id like to stay my writing has vastly improved and while i will not be remastering this original gem, i would love to give this story the sequel it deserves. that being said, after this post goes up, the story WILL be marked completed. consider this the cliffhanger although i did give y'all a good cliffhanger 3 years ago. idk if anyone sees this but hey! it was worth a shot. although i am proposing a sequel let's get down to the nitty-gritty;

i am here to promote a new book! it's a star wars fan fic which you might think seems TOTALLY out of left field but i am a HUUUGE star wars nerd!! i've made so many new star wars wattpad friends which i am EXTREMELY grateful for and LOOOVE and adore them and cherish them. i even met my future roommate who is quickly becoming my best friend through being a star wars lover. if u haven't seen them u can take ur quarantine time watching them (you'll love them trust me) and come back and read the new fic! the 5sos community support means so much to me, and even though i'm not as active in it as i used to be it will always be a huge part in my growing up. but anyway, plz read the new fic. MERCENARY is the title and it's very good. no oc this time bc it is an x reader (but who's ur significant other gonna be idk i'm not saying).

thank u all so much. i love u guys.

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