The Surprise (Day 3)

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We were out on the Main Street in L.A. I was holding hands with Violet and we were skipping along the road because we are weird.

"Hey Cassssssieeeeeeeee!" Violet called to Cassandra who was behind us with Calum.

"Yes Violeeeeet?" Cass replied sing-songy. I realized they had planned something. I made a questioning face at Calum and he just shrugged. Violet dropped my hand and her and Cassandra ran out in front of us.

"I think 5 Seconds of Summer should visit the square." Violet told Cassandra with her fist in her chin in the air.

"Oh really? And whys that?" Cassandra asked as they turned the corner. The boys and I followed.

"Because we love them." As we turned the corner, we saw a huge sign that said 'Calum, Luke, Ashton, and Michael are our heroes'. It had a bunch of signatures on it.

"What is this?" Ashton asked.

"Well boys." Violet started.

"We organized a meet up of your fans in the LA area." Cassandra said.

"And got them to sign this huuuuuge poster." Violet continued.

"Then we got permission to hang it here!" Cassandra finished.

"WE LOVE YOU!" Cassandra and Violet screamed at us in unison and we all did a group hug.

"On the count of three, Team 5Sos." Cassandra said and we all nodded and put our hands in the middle of the circle. "One, two, three,"

"TEAM 5SOS!" We yelled and threw out hands in the air.

thanks for 2.5k reads luffs
sorry i haven't updated in forever but I haven't forgot about you guys 💜✨

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