A Bad Taste

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"Why was I nominated to cook again?" Law asked, looking annoyed. Several of the crew members were waiting in the kitchen for their food.

"Sanji's gone and we're hungry." Luffy replied, banging his silverware on the table eagerly.

"I'm not a cook, I'm a captain."

"We already have one of those." Usopp added. Law turned his steely look towards the marksman. Usopp cowered behind his napkin.

"Think of it as payment for ferrying you across the seas." Franky added. Law frowned.

"Even so, that won't make me any better of a cook."

"We've eaten Luffy's food, anything other than that is a feast." Usopp explained. Law sighed but walked behind the counter to see if there was anything simple to cook. It seemed like it was time for his not so famous ramen noodles with a side of whatever he could find in the cabinet. He opened one of the doors and glanced over the ingredients. Brown seemed like a safe color. He grabbed a bottle that said cinnamon and one of the least dirty pots from the sink.

"If you didn't want this type of situation then you should have stopped your cook from running away." Law said as he placed the pot on a burner.

A loud bang rang out through the room as Zoro's fist slammed against the table. Law and the others looked over at her.

"Don't talk about stuff you know nothing about." Zoro said, then got up and left the room. The others glanced at one another but weren't that surprised from her outburst.


"How're you holding up?" Nami asked as she walked up to the swordsman who was leaning against the railing and staring out at the gentle sea. She was worried about her crewmate, who was gradually closing herself off from the others. Though usually not the most open of the group, Zoro was actively avoiding the others and spending all of her time alone, training.

"What do you mean?" Zoro asked, scowling. She hadn't been in the best mood these days. The others had been approaching her from time to time, trying to get her to talk about her feelings or something like that. She wasn't interested. She didn't see how that would help anything.

"Er, well, it's been a month now..." Nami said, glancing over at the swordsman.

"So what?" Zoro asked, immediately defensive.

"It's nothing... but well, we're here you know? If you want to talk..."

"I'm fine." Zoro put weight into her words, cutting off the conversation. Nami frowned but nodded and walked away, worried about her friend. She glanced back at Zoro, but the swordsman had quickly got lost in her own thoughts again and scowled out at the sea. Nami shook her head and went off to talk to the others.


Law shot his arm out just in time.

Zoro's body fell forward and in one fast motion, Law had slung the swordsman's body over his shoulder.

"Stupid." Law muttered. Zoro had been training too much and getting too little sleep. It was catching up to her and making the whole crew even more restless than usual. Law sighed and carried her to the to the sleeping quarters.


The smell of lavender.

Zoro dropped the weights in her hands and they smashed violently into the ground. She was on her feet in a second and already at the door of the crow's next, throwing it open expectantly.

"San—" She stopped.

"S-sorry..." Chopper squeaked, holding a cup of tea in his hooves. It trembled slightly. Zoro looked down at the little deer and frowned.

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