The Drunken Kiss

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This is what I've been training for. Sanji thought, flicking the sunglasses down from the top of his head. They had arrived at Fish-man Island after some chaotic traveling underneath the ocean itself. The island was inside a large bubble just above the ocean floor. The crew needed to travel through the island to get to the other side of the Red Line. The island was naturally decorated with coral, but perhaps the most beautiful things there were the many young mermaid residents.

"Sanji-chin! These are my friends!" Camie the mermaid said as she gestured to the dozens of extremely beautiful and scantily clad mermaids. It was almost surreal, how each of them were giggling and waving their hands at him as if they were from any grown man's fantasy.

Very aware of his entire crew watching his every move, Sanji started sweating. He and Zoro were something. He wouldn't call themselves a couple... not because he didn't want them to be, but more because he thought Zoro would oppose being called such. She was supposed to be "seducing" him, but so far she hadn't made any move since she pushed him against a wall when they first met again after their two year separation.

"T-that's nice..." The cook replied, his fingers twitching. There were so many mermaids, and each one wearing little more than string bikini tops. He reached down and stole Chopper's hat, pulling it down low on his head and glanced over at the swordsman who was currently picking at her teeth. Zoro blinked and looked back.



"Then stop looking at me weirdo."


"Oh you're so brave!" One of the curly haired mermaids praised Sanji who had found himself surrounded. They were currently holding a celebration for the straw-hat pirates who had just helped them save their princess. They were hanging out at a bar and cheers were rippling through the crowds. The cook had been drinking with the others at a table near the bar but as the night wore on, they split off talking to different people.

"Don't look... don't look... just don't look." Sanji muttered seemingly to himself as he dropped his head into his hands.

"How could we ever thank you for everything you've done?" A brunette mermaid with particularly little covering her top half ask as she put her hand on the cook's arm.

"Moldy food... bugs... Usopp..." He continued as he imagined the things in his head to distract himself.

"What the hell are you doing?" Nami asked as she walked past, a bottle of alcohol half empty in her hand. Sanji peeked through his hands.

"Help me..." He practically whined to his crewmate. Nami sighed and rolled her eyes.

"You have legs don't you?" She headed over to the bar, leaving him.

Sanji grit his teeth. As much as he hated it, she was right. He took a deep breath. He sluggishly rose to his feet, pulling away from the soft hands of the mermaids.

One step.

Two steps.

He ran, tears streaming down his face.


Zoro had drunk quite a bit, even for a bottomless pit like herself. She was hanging out in the street along with a pile of empty liquor bottles beside her. She had been joined by Franky and Luffy who were both counting how many bottles consumed by the swordsman.

"She-bro, I'm pretty sure if you drink anymore you'll get alcohol poisoning." Franky told her, grinning.

"You going to let a drink kill you?" Luffy laughed.

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