Punishments and Privileges

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He began groggily, but before he could finish his sentence Johnny asked a question that silenced the whole room.

"Why didn't you come home last night?"

I licked my lips and tried to sit up, managing to push a confused Darry off of me and into a standing position at the edge of the couch

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I licked my lips and tried to sit up, managing to push a confused Darry off of me and into a standing position at the edge of the couch.

"I wanted to Johnny, I really did, but my hands got all cut up so I couldn't drive myself and Tim wouldn't come pick me up so I called Darry."

I said desperately, now standing in front of the boy I call my kid brother. Only he doesn't know he is. By now Darry had grudgingly forced everyone out of the small house and into the front yard where they had not-so-subtly began watching us through the windows. I was a little agitated by their behavior; I feel like I'm in a soap opera that never ends!

"But you still didn't come home. Darry could've driven you home but he drove you here instead! I get it that you have that job because of me but you have to keep the deal you made with Tim! You don't know how tuff he really is!

"And I never see you, I know it's only been a few days since you've been here but you're the only family I have left and I get scared that when you leave for work you'll leave m-"

Johnny couldn't finish his sentence and instead looked down at his shoes; avoiding my eyes. I cleared my throat and took a step closer to him. He reluctantly lifted his chin so I could see his face but not his eyes, he still wouldn't look at me.

"Jonnycakes I'll never leave ya, not willingly at least. And as for Tim, you let me worry 'bout him. Okay? "

Johnny finally looked up at me with slumped shoulders and a crease in his brow.

"You promise?"

He asked, I immediately nodded my head. How could I not?

"I promise."

I said with finality. Johnny eased up after that and glanced at my hands; slightly flinching.

"Do they hurt bad?"

He asked hesitantly, I could barely hear him he was so quiet. I looked down as well at the slightly loosened bandages and shrugged.

"A little, but it could've been worse."

"It'll leave scars."

I clenched my jaw and looked at his scar, the one that traveled the length of his face. How could he worry 'bout my scars when he has to see his every time he looks in the mirror? My eyes flashed angrily but I quickly calmed myself down so he wouldn't think I was mad at him.

"I've got plenty of those, Johnny, don't worry 'bout me. Can I ask how you got yours?"

I asked slowly, not wanting to upset him but also wanting to know the cause of it. If it was Dad I'll skin him alive! I flexed my fingers, attempting to ball my hands into fists but only causing needles of pain to shoot up through my wrist. I hissed but it went unnoticed by Johnny who looked rather squeamish.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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