Temporary Home

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3 am rolled around slower than I had hoped but when it arrived I couldn't help but feel relieved

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3 am rolled around slower than I had hoped but when it arrived I couldn't help but feel relieved.

I had at least four guys over the age of fifty hit on me, an under age attempt to buy some liquor and a girl ask if I wanted to join her and her boyfriend upstairs. Yeah, I definitely didn't miss this part of the job. I ran my hands through my hair for the millionth time that night and grabbed my things from underneath the counter; waving goodbye to Buck on my way out the door. But on the bright side I had gotten myself at least thirty dollars in tips by the end of my shift. Maybe tomorrow I'll wear lipstick, that should bring in some extra dough.

I waited on the steps that lead to the buildings entrance, not knowing when Tim would arrive or what kind of car to expect him in. It was very dark out, being only three in the morning, and the only lights visible are the porch light and the beams coming from the windows. But as Buck closed up shop those few rays disappeared as well. I was now left with the dim outside light and my hope that Tim would show up soon. I nervously reached for my switch as I waited, just having it in my hands made me feel a bit safer. I should've driven my truck over! Just as I thought of walking back to the Curtis house to sleep in my truck head lights blinded me as a car pulled up to the steps. It was a shiny black 1956 Ford Mustang, definitely stolen if that was Tim's ride! I stood up as the passenger side window slowly rolled down. A sly grin made its way on the drivers face.

"Hop in princess."

Tim said, pushing the passenger door open before leaning back onto his seat and grabbing the steering wheel. I did as I was told, too tired to make any other form of greeting other than a quiet 'thanks' before slamming the door shut and buckling up. Tim put the car in drive and tore out of the parking lot.

"How was the first day? You look dead."

He snickered.

"I feel dead."

I replied, not wanting to remember anything that happened tonight. He then pulled into a drive way where an old two story farmhouse sat. The only lights on were the porch light and what I assumed was the living room. He parked the car but didn't get out. Turning to look at me with a clenched jaw and fiery eyes, eyes that roamed over every inch of my body. He then looked back up at the house.

"Looks like they're still up, Angela won't have her room ready until tomorrow so it's either the couch or my bed. I would highly advise my bed though, cause Curly is a raging hormonal bomb and there's no telling what he'd do to you being dressed like that. And as tired as you are right now you're not in any shape to defend yourself."

I took his words into consideration before realizing he was right. I nodded and grabbed my bundle of clothes before exiting the car. I sleepily followed Tim inside and was met with a head splitting argument.

"Gimme the remote you dip shit! I had it first!"

The voice of a girl snapped.

"Finders keepers losers weepers!"

A boy sung sarcastically, holding the remote just out of the girls reach.

"But you didn't find it! It was laying on the coffee table you absolute-"

"Curly give your sister the remote and shut up both of ya!"

Tim hollered, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"What?!? Tim that's not fair!"

Curly cried as Angela snatched the remote out of his grip

"Is too!"

She said, smirking at him ruthlessly before changing the channel. The boy rolled his eyes and fell back onto the couch in annoyance.

"Do you mind if I skip the meet and greet and go to bed?"

I asked Tim in a husky voice, my vision already blackening. His eyes met mine before he scoffed.

"Nah it's fine, y'all can meet tomorrow."

He said as he began leading us to a set of narrow stairs.

"I'm going to bed guys so keep it down!"

Tim called before all noise from downstairs disappeared as the silence of the upstairs engulfed us. It was dark up here, there was a wall to my right, a window in front of me and a narrow hallway to my left. As we turned down the hallway Tim pointed to doors.

"This ones my room, that's the bathroom, that's Curly's room, and that's Angela's room."

He said, pointing to each closed door in order. I nodded as I attempted to remember this. Although it was very hard for me to do in such a tired state. He then opened his door to reveal a bed with a queen size mattress and dark grey blankets placed in the middle of the room. There was a dresser next to the door and a small coat hanger next to the dresser. The bed had night stands on either side of it and a large window was to the right of the bed on the wall opposite of the door. It's dark grey curtains were drawn closed, making the entire room pitch black. Tim walked over to the right side of the bed and sat down, pulling his boots and clothes off. I was too tired to change, I walked over to the left side of the bed and dropped my bundle next to the night stand.

I then kicked off my shoes and collapsed onto the bed, snuggling up against a pillow as I landed on the worn in mattress. The pillow smelt of smoke, cologne and hair grease. Soon the bed sunk down next to me as Tim laid down and pulled the covers over us.

"Hey Tim?"

I asked, slightly out of it.


He grunted in response.

"Thanks for letting me stay."

I uttered, nearly gasping in surprise when an arm wrapped around my waist from behind.

"Any time princess."

He mumbled into my shoulder. At first I was shocked and slightly uncomfortable, but as tiredness took over me I suddenly liked the way his body was pressed to mine; keeping me warm and protected. It was a safe feeling. A feeling I wasn't at all used to. So as morning came and night left, I unknowingly fell asleep in the arms of Tulsas most feared gang leaders.

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