"Morning Princess."

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I let out a string of cusrses as I was blinded from the morning sunlight that filtered through the dark curtains

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I let out a string of cusrses as I was blinded from the morning sunlight that filtered through the dark curtains.

Closing my eyes again I snuggled up against Tim's bare chest, resting my head on his shoulder only to realize how restless I am. I carefully rolled out of bed and snuck out of the room, dashing to the bathroom and locking the door after I closed it. I then checked the mirror and grimaced. My hair was knotted and my skirt had lifted all the way up my thigh while I slept; the hem resting on my left cheek. I quickly pulled it down to its original resting place and ran my fingers through my hair in an attempt to brush it out.

I splashed water on my face and searched through their cabinets in hopes of finding an extra tooth brush. I didn't find one but settled on mouth wash. After I spit it out I quietly exited the bathroom and made my way down stairs, the place actually seems nice when it's quiet. I chuckled as I thought this. I made my way to the kitchen and checked the clock. It read 10:23 am. Today is Sunday so I'd have to work again tonight and then I wouldn't have to see Buck until Thursday.

But that means that I start my job at the dingo tomorrow at 8:00 am. I groaned in frustration before sitting down on a chair next to the island. I still hadn't noticed the shirtless Tim that had walked into the kitchen moments ago until I heard water running. My head snapped up and when I saw what the commotion was I bit my lip. He was filling up a coffee pot and damn did he look good while doing it. I quickly looked away when he turned around, I didn't have to see it to know it was there, I could feel the smirk on his face.

"Morning princess."

He said in a deep husky morning voice. I cleared my throat before meeting his eyes.

"Good morning."

I replied, shifting slightly in my seat and straightening my skirt. He set the pot down on the heater and turned to me as he waited for his energy to be made.

"So what are your plans for today?"

He asked, leaning on the island with his fore arms.

"Well, first thing I've gotta do is go get Johnny and tell him 'bout my jobs and our living conditions, then I've gotta make some rules for him and your siblings, oh! No, before I do any of that I've gotta meet them!"

I said as I realized I still didn't know the Shepard kids, last night feels like a distant memory. Just then loud thumping filled the house as someone ran down the stairs. Tim groaned and dropped his head as the boy, Curly, strolled into the kitchen. His eyes widened as he saw me.

"Who the hell are you?"

He asked, his eyes searching my face and then my outfit. I groaned as he did this and pulled my skirt down as far as I could with out it exposing my stomach or hips. He snickered at this and sat next to me at the island.

"Curly this is-"

before Tim could introduce me light footsteps were heard from the stair well and soon enough a petite dark haired girl emerged. She seemed as surprised as her brother but wasn't nearly as rude.

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