"Jesus Jenny."

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Darry nearly had a heart attack when he found me sitting on Bucks porch at 3 am surrounded in my own blood

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Darry nearly had a heart attack when he found me sitting on Bucks porch at 3 am surrounded in my own blood.

He was wide awake now and sprinted over to me, insisting that he help me walk to his pickup.

"Jesus Jenny, what happened to you?" 

He asked as he buckled my seatbelt. I was pretty out of it at this point. The head ache, blood loss, and exhaustion were taking over my body.

"Dally's broad thought he was cheating on 'er with me cause I used her 'lady products' to get ready for work."

I murmured just loud enough for him to hear. He stiffened on the bench seat next to me before turning on the ignition.

"So she cut up your hands?"

He asked slowly as he pulled out of the parking lot. I shook my head 'no'.

"She pushed me and I fell and the cups I was carryin' broke. When I tried to stand up the pieces of glass stabbed into my palms."

I explained, hearing him sigh in response.

"Dallas better not bring Sylvia 'round my house or the gang anymore cause that girl's nothin' but trouble."

Darry muttered bitterly. We sat in silence for a little bit until we got to a stop light. I looked at Darry out of the corner of my eye and examined his cold features that were illuminated by the red glow. His eyes were stormy and his jaw was clenched but beyond the furrowed eyebrows and stress lines on his forehead was a sad boy who had to grow up too fast.

I frowned at this but tore my gaze away just as he looked back at me. The light turned green and he hit the gas and cleared his throat to rid the tension.

"So why couldn't Tim pick ya up?"

He asked tersely.

"He was busy keeping Curly and Angela from killin' each other."

I replied, looking out the window and admiring the night sky. He took a left and pulled into his driveway. But the house was oddly silent and dark.

"Where's Pony and Soda?"

I asked as I fumbled with my seatbelt, but winced when the fabric slapped my palm. Darry gently put his large hand over my small one to still my movements and it sure did work. My breath hitched in my throat and I froze at the foreign contact but he seemed unfazed by it because he slowly moved my hand to the side before undoing my seatbelt.

"Soda went out with Steve and their girls and Pony's still asleep. That kid can sleep through anything."

He chuckled before exiting the truck and running around to open the passenger side door. He helped me out of the car and into the house, the door was already unlocked because they've nothing worth stealing. At least that's what Darry says. We walked into the bathroom and Darry flicked on the light above the mirror while I sat on the toilet.
I turned over my palms and bit my lip. My hands were caked in dry blood and chunks of glass stuck out of my skin like rocks protruding from sand. Darry saw my facial expression and his own softened.

"It's-it's not that bad Jen, it'll be over soon and then you can get some sleep."

Darry attempted to comfort me but the pounding in my head and pain in my hands distracted me from his words. He left the bathroom but came back with some vodka, a cup, and a clothe. He sat them on the bathroom counter top before opening the mirror and grabbing a pair of tweezers, bandages and pain pills. He gave me two pills and filled the cup with water.

"Open your mouth."

He said gently. I did and he placed the pills on my tongue before placing the cup to my lips and allowing me to drink and then swallow the medicine.

"That should kick in soon and will help with your head and hands."

He said as he placed the cup in the bathroom sink. I nodded meekly and watched him unscrew the cap on the vodka. I gulped but said a silent prayer that it would be fast and painless. We edged to the tub and he poured the liquid over my hands. I winced and bit my lip to hold back a scream but a few gasps and curses escaped nevertheless. Darry looked at me in concern but I just nodded to show him I was fine. I had to look away as he began wiping the blood off of my hands because I knew he would be using the tweezers next. I whined a little as his finger grazed a sensitive cut but kept my teeth glued to my lip. However, my teeth weren't prepared for him to dig into my hand, causing me to let out a shrill scream when the metal explored my wounds.

"Shit, fuck ok I'm so sorry Jen-"

Darry began frantically only to be cut off by Ponyboy entering the bathroom in nothing but white briefs. I would've snickered at the sight had I not been in so much pain.

"Darry what was tha-"

he stopped mid sentence as his green eyes widened when he saw my weeping and bloodied figure.

"Oh shi-"

"Finish that sentence and you're grounded for life!"

Darry growled. I rolled my eyes at how Darry was still able to scold his brother at a time like this but groaned as my hand was now bleeding again and throbbing uncontrollably.

"Dar please hurry."

I gasped as the blood began to drip down my wrist and into the bathtub. He nodded and asked Pony to hold me while he got the glass out. As soon as I felt two skinny arms wrap around me Darry dove back in, causing me to cry out and Pony's hold on me to tighten.

"Shh it's ok Jenny he's got a few pieces out already, it's almost over."

I turned my head so my face was pressed into Pony's shoulder. Pony began running his right hand through my hair and talking to me about school and Johnny to distract me and it actually worked. Either Pony was really good at comforting people or the medicine kicked in but after the first hand was done I started to relax. The next few hours were a blur. Darry had managed to get the glass out and clean and wrap my hands but he insisted that I go to the hospital tomorrow which I heavily protested to the best of my abilities. He then carried me bridal style out of the bathroom, yes I was that tired, and into his bedroom where he laid me onto the soft mattress and began undressing me.

"Dar-bear staawwpp! We haven't even gone on a date yet!"

I groaned as I tried to use my arms to cover my exposed figure. Darry chuckled and set my bloody uniform in a hamper before pulling a large white shirt out of a drawer.

"You wanna go on a date with me?"

He asked amusedly as he slipped the shirt over my head and arms. I giggled and bit my lip in thought.


Suddenly warmth enveloped me in a hug. Mmm Darry blankets. I snuggled into them and smelt the pillows obnoxiously, causing Darry to choke on his laughter as he tried to control himself.

"Well Jen, maybe I'll ask you one day."

He said as he tucked me in properly. I smiled and closed my eyes.

"That'd be nice of you."

I heard him moving away from the bed.

"Alright well, we'll see what happens. Night Jenny and sweet dreams."

Darry said as he stood in the doorway.

"Night Dar-bear."

I mumbled before being consumed by a deep dreamless slumber.

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