Bucks and Shepards

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"Hey Dallas can you give me a minute? I gotta give Johnny his stuff before I take off!"

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"Hey Dallas can you give me a minute? I gotta give Johnny his stuff before I take off!"

I asked, bolting for my truck when he nodded. I unlocked my baby and grabbed the small brown suitcase, locking her back up before running back into the Curtis house. All heads turned to me when I re-entered.

"Are you gonna stay?"

Soda asked hopefully. I shook my head before handing Johnny his things.

"No, I'm just giving Johnny his stuff before taking off. Have fun kid."

I said, ruffling his hair before dashing out the door again. Dallas was waiting in the same spot I'd left him but had lit up a cancer stick while I was inside.


He asked, blowing smoke into my face. I waved it away with my hand and started walking.

"Yeah lets go."

As we made our way down the side walk with a darkening sky behind us, we made small talk.

"You can call me Dally, everyone else in the gang does."

He said suddenly. I raised my brows in astonishment. Am I part of the gang now?

"Alright Dally."

I smirked at the nickname, it suits him.

"So where are we off to first?"

I asked, looking around at the empty road and dark alley-ways from abandoned or closed buildings.

"Well how old are ya?"

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion but told him.

"Twenty two, why?"

He raised his eye brows and looked me up and down, as if seeing me for the first time.

"Ever worked in a bar before?"

I nodded.

"Well we'll stop at the dingo and then go to bucks, I know he's hiring but I'm not sure about the diner."

He said, tossing his cigarette aside and not bothering to step it out. I rolled my eyes but nodded and followed him to a small lit-up diner, the place with 'the best milkshakes in town'.

-Leaving the diner-

I laughed real hard as we left, holding my uniform to my side.

"I can't believe they want me, I nearly cussed out the cook and spilled a tray of fries!"

Dally was also laughing in disbelief.

"It's probably cause you're hot doll face, you'll bring in lots of customers."

He said, throwing me another wink. I hit his chest playfully, causing us to start laughing again. We finally calmed down as we reached a two story house with lots of light and country music spilling outside. Laughter, smoke and drunk dancers filled the room as we stepped inside.

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