Chapter Twenty-Seven

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In a darkened hall around the corner from the bar, between some sort of storage closet and an emergency exit, is where Marshall and I escape to. I'm sure we're not suppose to be here, but I don't care. 

I face Marshall, hand still in his, noting the tension in his shoulders. He's silently fuming. I don't know why he's so angry- I mean I know they already hated each other and Mark was a dick, but I would think it would take more than a couple comments to set him off like this.

Unless it's about what Mark said about me. But why would he care if Mark was talking to me if he's been so distant? Maybe he's not as indifferent as I thought.

" okay?" I ask gently.

"I'm a'ight." he says, "Fuck that Marky Mark motherfucker." 

"Yeah, I'm glad you showed up when you did." I tell him with a smile, "He wasn't taking the hint."

Marshall lets go of my hand, moving to lean his back against the wall instead, "Maybe you should do less hintin' then. Be more clear with what'chu want. Or don't want."

The smile on my face slips away. We're talking about more than just Mark now, I realize as he grows cold and distant again. 

"I thought telling him I wasn't interested was pretty straightforward." I tell him, my tone defensive. Annoyed that he's annoyed at me. "But yeah, I'll be more clear in the future."

Starting with you.

"I should go." He says, not looking at me as he rubs at his chin in thought. He acts like he wants to be anywhere but here with me right now, though he makes no sudden move to do so. 

"Yeah go." I tell him sarcastically, "I'm sure you can't wait to get back to ignoring me again."

That gains his attention, "I ain't been ignoring you."

"The VMA stage?" I remind him, upset, "You barely acknowledged me! You won't even look at me!"

"I thought that's what you wanted?"

"Wha- No!" I scoff. 

"Then what the fuck do you want, Katie?" he snaps back, pushing himself off the wall, "What do you want me to do? Act like everything is fuckin' okay between us? 'Cause it's not. Pretend like you didn't turn me down two fuckin' months ago? 'Cause you did. I won't lie, that shit fuckin' hurt."

My heart aches hearing that.

"I never wanted to hurt you Marshall." I say, truly meaning it, "I'm sorry." 

"Yeah well..." he looks embarrassed that he shared that information with me.

At the end of the hall, the party is in full swing. Laughter mixed with upbeat music gives off a fun vibe. The complete opposite of what's happening in this hallway.

"You know, I really was looking for you." I tell him. I take a deep breath, "There's some things I wanted to tell you- things I should have told you in Boston that I didn't and I-"

"Yo, if you're just gonna turn me down again, you can save it." he says annoyed, "Heard ya the first time."

"That's not what I-" 

He starts to walk away, "We don't gotta do this."

"Marshall, wait-"


"No, you listen." I interrupt him now and he stops, surprised. I can feel tears burning my eyes from my frustration.  "I didn't turn you down, okay? I didn't give you any answer, I know. But I didn't say no."

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