Chapter One

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California-December 14, 1998

My radio is turned up all the way, the new Jay-Z song blaring, and still the sound of LA traffic can be heard through my closed car windows. Miles of vehicles continue to beep at one another as though that will help anything. We all inch along at a the same slow pace. 

I've only been in this city for a couple days now, my new 'home' for the next month, but I don't think I'd ever get used to this kind of traffic even if I lived here for years. But then again I've never been much of a driver to begin with. Always choosing to walk or take public transportation somewhere. That's been harder to do these past few years though. Driving has become more practical and though I prefer sitting in the passenger seat, I've realized the only time I get to be by myself without feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders, is driving alone in the car. So I've taken any opportunity to drive myself places, on my own, like a normal person would. Even if it is in bumper to bumper traffic. 

When my phone rings from the other seat, I sigh. I might physically be by myself in this car, but I'm always a phone call away from anyone who needs my undivided attention.


"Are you there yet?" he asks without preamble. I roll my eyes. No hello, no how ya doin' Katie? Always right to the point with my manager, Jeff. But I can't complain, he's a good guy and gets shit done when I need him to. 

"No. I should have been there a half hour ago but this damn traffic is ridiculous!" I bark out while beeping my horn, taking my frustration out on the cars around me like everyone else is doing. Of course it does absolutely nothing. Traffic is stopped.

"How far away are you?" he asks, ignoring my fit.

"Less than 5 minutes. I could get there quicker if I just walked." Ridiculous. "I never thought I'd say it but California has made me miss taking the T back home. I hate driving!" 

The last part I yell while laying on my horn for a moment for extra effect. Boston traffic has nothing on this LA traffic.

Jeff laughs knowingly, "Relax. Don't work yourself up-"

"Too late." 

Okay I'm overreacting, I know, but traffic puts me in a bad mood. I hate feeling stuck in one place with no where to go. It's suffocating.  

"Focus. Calm down. Now, I need to talk to you about something." Jeff sighs. "I've been on the phone with the label all morning. Had to talk them off a ledge. They still...uncomfortable with you associating yourself with a 'gangsta rapper'. They're afraid of what it will do to your image, working with Dr.Dre."

I scoff, "Seriously? They're more concerned about my image than I am! Did you tell them Dre is a friend, an amazing artist and producer that I would be lucky to learn from, and he has very generously made some beats for me-which is why I'm on my way to see him right now?"

"I said all that and more. And that you won't be told who you will and will not be 'associated' with. Needless to say, they aren't thrilled." He sighs, "They won't allow you to use any beat he gives you."

"That's not fair!"

"I'm sorry Katie."

"I'm already working with Jay-Z on Heartbreaker. He's also a rapper. Or do they not know this?"

"They know. They just think Jay-Z is more suitable for you to collaborate with. 'A better name to have beside Katherine Arden on a song' they said. They were going on about how Dr Dre's past could affect record sales." 

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