Chapter Eight

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Marshall drives laid back, leaning his elbow on the door as his fingers rub at his chin. His right hand is at the top of the steering wheel, fingers tapping along to the beat of the music that plays on the radio. We just left the set, only spending five or so minutes convincing Murphy he doesn't need to accompany us and only just making it out without another altercation. 

"You really don't need to come with me. I'll be fine, I have Marshall." I tell Murphy.

Murphy stares him down, "I should go for protection."

"No need. I always carry protection. A lot. A'ight?" Marshall says from behind me and I have to force myself to keep a straight face. Murphy probably wouldn't appreciate me laughing at this moment about the Marshall's double meaning while he's worrying about my safety, especially while I'm trying to convince him we will be fine on our own.

"I don't think this is a good idea, Katie." Murphy tells me. I know he's worried about paparazzi since they've been overwhelming lately.

"Murphy-" I begin before Marshall cuts me off.

"Man, she told you already. How many times does she have to say it? What's your problem?"

Murphy doesn't answer, instead takes a step closer, towering over him. An intimidating move to some, but Marshall doesn't even flinch. They stare each other down silently for a few moments, waiting for the other to make a move or back down till I finally step in.

"If the two of you are done." They both whip their heads over to look at me as if they completely forgot I was there, "I'd like to get going now. Just me and Marshall."

I pull at Marshall's arm, not waiting for a response from either of them, and we walk away.

Marshall has been quiet since we left, and looks like he's deep in thought. Not only did I stop our make out session but the interaction with Murphy seems to have made things awkward now. 

"Sorry about earlier. Murphy isn't always like that. I'm not sure what's up with him." I say.

"I do. He's into you." he says, matter of fact. 

"Me?" I squeak. He nods without looking at me, "No way. He's just very protective. It's his job to be. He's not into me."

"Dunno 'bout that. Looked like he's more than a bodyguard to you. Actin' like a jealous boyfriend."

I glance at him when he says this. He's looking straight ahead as he drives, his mouth turned down as he continues to stroke his dimpled chin. He looks annoyed and I'm honestly confused. 

"He's definitely not into me and there is nothing going on between us. He's married. He has a wife he loves. It's literally one of the few things he talks about. I met her a couple times too. I think they're trying for a baby." I don't know why I feel like I have to elaborate. But it seems to have bothered him enough, and I don't want him thinking anything that's untrue. 

Marshall looks over at me then back at the road, his face relaxing a bit, and nods. 

"What about Carson?" he asks suddenly.

"Carson Daly?" I laugh. I have to think about it a moment, confused about why he's asking me this till I remember the interview and the light banter we had between us. Did he think there was something going on between me and Carson too? So I ask, "What about him?"

"Nothin'. You two seemed real chummy is all."

"That's just an interview. I barely even know Carson." I probably only met him ten times in the past 3 years. All quick interviews, either on the red carpet or at TRL's studio. Our conversations have always been limited to my music and fan questions. The banter between us is made up to make a normal interview conversation interesting and fun for the viewers. 

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