Chapter Six

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I awake to light shining in through my hotel window. I'm used to rising with the sun, especially after nights of drinking. Right away my head starts to ache a bit and I'm thirsty, so I figure I should start my day and at least have something to drink. Getting out of bed is hard, but I manage and head to the mini fridge for a bottle of water. Perusing the welcome basket I received when I first got here-filled with assorted fruits, baked goods and even a bottle of wine-I grab a muffin. Breakfast in hand, I stand by the window to take in the view.

Aside from an interview over the phone this afternoon, today is my day off. I made sure I had nothing planned so I could go out and enjoy myself, maybe do some shopping or sight-see. Even if I have to deal with the large group of paparazzi that are currently surrounding my hotel. Someone had tipped them off that I was staying here and glancing down at the street, they're still outside at six in the morning waiting to get a picture of me. That sure puts a damper on my fun, but I don't want to be stuck inside all day.

I think for the thousandth time how none of this would be a problem if I had a place of my own and was settled somewhere. I've yet to buy a home because of touring and traveling for various things, never staying in one place for too long. A lot of my belongings are even in storage in New York right now, waiting till I get a place.

I also have no clue where I want to live. New York, Los Angeles, Boston? Not Boston. I just need someone to help organize my life and maybe then I can focus on finding a more permeant residence somewhere. With gates and guards, so this sort of thing isn't a regular occurrence. 

It's my own fault. I've been against having too many people working for me, not wanting to succumb to the pretentious celebrity lifestyle so as to not let fame get to my head. But in doing so, I've just created a more hectic life for myself, one far from ordinary. Maybe if hire someone to deal with all the craziness, I can finally sit back and relax a little.

My thoughts drift to last night and I think over the events that took place as I pick at my food. It was the first time I felt like myself in a long time, not having to put on a show for anyone. I never go out like that or have fun anymore. These past few years I've been so involved in my own work and following the label's rigorous schedule, rules and demands. Either I'm in the studio, promoting my music, at an award show, or touring and traveling. I couldn't remember the last time I actually had fun. I'm used to having to pretend to have fun. Outings with Daniel were strained even early on and since him, there weren't many reasons to go out.

But last night was great. I felt so carefree in a way I haven't in years. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was that no one recognized me. Or maybe it was Marshall.

Marshall. The thought of him brings an instant smile to my face. I'm crushing hard on this guy even though I know I shouldn't.

Since I broke things off with Daniel, I decided I wouldn't have any kind of romantic relationships for a long time. It was time I focused on myself and healed from my last relationship before I ever looked into starting a new one. Daniel's infidelity, negative treatment of me and constant lying throughout our time together made trusting anyone difficult. I shouldn't start anything with Marshall, at least not until my head is right.

I met Daniel Cooper when I was nineteen years old. I was still new to the industry and while my debut album was doing amazing on the charts and I was earning countless awards and recognitions, my label felt like that wasn't enough. That I needed to sell my love songs by showing the world I actually was in love.

Basically I needed a boyfriend to sell records. And Daniel, the actor with a playboy reputation, needed a girlfriend to promote his new romantic movie he was filming.

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