Chapter Forty-Six

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I haven't slept the past couple days. I run off a copious amount of caffeine, whatever food Bree forces me to eat that day, and the adrenaline of performing in front of thousands.

I had a job to do, fans counting on me. In light of everything that's going on in the word, relationship troubles should be insignificant in comparison, right?

I planned a tour unlike any that has been done before. Visually I went all out, creating a beautiful set design. Got myself a killer wardrobe. Selling merchandise I'm proud of. Hired a camera crew who will be recording at each venue for my tour documentary. And I've arranged for every show to end with a musical guest- friends in the industry- to share the stage with me. Everything planned out perfectly months ago.

This is suppose to be one of the best times of my life. I wish I could enjoy it all, but at least my fans are able to.

The Canada shows went well. One night I was singing 'How You Remind Me' with Nickleback and the other I got to sing 'My Heart Will Go On' with the Céline Dion. Damn love songs. In New York, Jay-Z joined me for our 9/11 tribute. It was incredibly emotional being there, but I'm glad I was able to bring even just an ounce of joy to them. Together we performed our song 'Heartbreaker', as well as 'Izzo'.

The next morning I got a call from Murphy- Sarah had the baby. He's a bit early, but nonetheless a healthy baby boy named Theodore- Teddy for short. So I immediately got on the next flight back to Michigan to meet my Godson.

I brought flowers and balloons for Sarah, a baseball hat that says #1 DAD I found in the airport for Murphy, and food for the new parents to eat while I hold their newborn. He's so perfect and tiny, blonde and a button nose. I fill a whole film roll of his adorable face to print out for them and to get me through till the next time I see him. Sarah shares with me the details of the birth which was a bit...traumatizing to hear. But I'm glad both Mom and baby are doing okay. And while I was so happy for my friends and their new addition, I couldn't help feeling deeply saddened once again.

I leave the new family, giving hugs and kisses till next time, and get into my rental car to go back to the airport. I have a flight to Philadelphia to catch. A concert to perform tomorrow.

And yet...

Parked in an empty lot of a closed Kroger's, I sit in thought for a long time till finally I take my phone out, my fingers dialing the number I know by heart. By the time my mind catches up to what I'm doing, I'm already three rings into calling Marshall's home phone. I remove my cell from my ear, my finger hovering over the end button- why am I calling him? Because I miss his voice, I miss him, that's why.

I bring the phone back to my ear, but the call has gone to voicemail.

Last chance to hang up. I can make up one of those butt dial excuses if he ever asks. Though I doubt he will. But when I hear the beep, I start talking.

"'s me." I take a long pause before continuing, "I uhm...I'm in Michigan. Murph and Sarah had their baby- Teddy his names Teddy- you now like the bear. Cute, right? I got to see him and hold him, he's so little and definitely looks more like Sarah. Which is probably a good thing." I pause again, "God, I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm telling you all this're the only person I want to talk to right now and....Marshall...I need you to know that I-"

There's a click and suddenly I hear, "Katie?"

It takes me a moment to respond, shocked to actually hear his voice saying my name again, "Hi."

"You're back?"

"I am." I tell him, "Could we...could we talk? Can I see you?...Please?"

I hold my breath, waiting for the rejection.

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