Chapter 22

636 18 5

Melody and Melodies


"Sin I swear, if you're eating the cookie dough I'll hang you from my ceiling like a dream catcher." Melody says while whisking a bowl of cream. Sin who's exactly doing what Melody is saying immediately stop, looking around for an excuse.

"Uh.. nope! You can count on me." Sin gulps down the last bits of cookie dough in her mouth as she replies. The shorter demon turns around and sets down the cream on the counter, beside another bowl that contains the cookie dough. Her rich red eyes flickers from the cookie dough bowl to Sin's face, which made the girl break eye contact and looks away; whistling.

Without warning, Melody reaches up with her gloved hand and grabs Sin's face and pulls her to look at her. Sin's eyes widened in surprise as blush spreads across her face in sudden embarrassment. Melody looks at her lips, which made Sin even more flushed with reddened cheeks.

"You ate it didn't you?" Melody says as her eyes looks back up at Sin's lilac eye and blue orchid. Sin's voice gets caught in her throat as Melody let's go of her face, taking away the bowl of cookie dough; giving it away for Niffty to handle it.

"Uhh.." Sin stammers but Melody shrugs her shoulders and picks up her glass of milkshake but her eyebrow narrows as she looks at the glass. She turns her head to see Angel nearby where the glass was;

"Did you really just added salt in my drink?" Melody asks as she sets her glass down, Angel who's holding in his laugh, stutters.

"U-Uh.. pfft- I mean; y- no..?" He slips his tongue as he makes a beeline out the kitchen down but before he do anything else; Melody picks up her glass again and just drinks the whole milkshake until it's empty while looking at Angel straight in his eyes. "What the f-" He was about to cuss but stops once he feels a clawed hand on his shoulder, making him shudder in fear.

"Get him out of here." Melody says as she leans her cheek on her hand, waving away at Angel. Sin looks up to see those pink star forehead demons again, it nods as it drags Angel out who's screaming bloody murder. Once he's out the doors and his voice is muffled, Melody's eyes turns lidded as she slowly close her eyes. What Angel added to her drink was not salt; it was crushed pills of sleeping pills.

Sin watch as the girl slowly accidentally drop her head off her hand and eventually she leans forward and passes out on her arms on the counter. Sin glances around, not sure what to do. Niffty had disappeared to who knows where. She shrugs as she picks up Melody in bridal style, she widens her eyes of how light Melody is.

The space buns girl walks out of the kitchen by pushing the door using her back, in the lobby there's only Husk and Slither who's by the couches. She walks over to the office and pushes it open with her back again, mentally sighing in relief when there's no one in the room.

Sin walks to the usual couch that Melody always naps on as she looks down at the sleeping girl, her long eyelashes caught her attention. She looked so peaceful sleeping, it reminded her of something that Melody used to say when they were little as Sin sets Melody carefully on the couch;

"What do you do in your free time?" Ava asks the doll-like girl beside her on the swings. The cheery girl hums as she slowly swings herself, she smiles brightly as she had thought of answer.

"Well I really like singing, dancing and drawing! Sometimes my mama let's me design and makes dresses with her but most time I draw!" She giggles, realising how much that is. Ava couldn't help but smile,

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