Chapter 17

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Chapter 17
If Only You Loved Me Too

Harry's POV

So, I guess I should probably tell Ally why my attitude has been.. strangely different.

After Rosette was in the accident, I realized that I wasn't in love with whom loved me. But, if I tell Ally, she'll turn all of her friends on me and probably the lads, too. How do I tell her..?


It's been 2 days and I'm still thinking on how to tell her. I can't be too harsh or too subtle. If I'm harsh, she'll think I'm thoughtless, if I'm subtle, she'll think I don't care. When, in reality, I've thought about it too much, and I care more than her mother would. I just don't love her anymore...

Liam's POV

They kicked me out of the room as they were doing CPR. All I could think about was if my baby will be okay. She means the world to me and I don't know what I would do without her. She's my rock.
A smile slips onto my face at the thought of us having a family. Two kids and us. But I knew that wasn't going to happen if those STUPID doctors failed to keep Rosette alive.
A few doctors come out of the room with sullen eyes. Which, as you would think, worried me sick.

"Mr.Payne?" One says.

"That's me.. Is she okay?!" I feel my cheeks beginning to sting from the tears. But I didn't care enough at the moment to wipe them away. All I wanted was for my one and only to grow old with me.

"I'm afraid she needs to be moved to ICU. Which is Intensive Care Unit. You cannot see her until she is stable. That take a few days."
My eyes start to burn and I turn around to hide my sadness for a moment. Then spin around quickly to see that the doctors have disappeared. As long as she's breathing, I don't care.

Harry's POV

I finally man up and knock on Ally's study room door.

"Yeah, hon?" She perks.

"Uhm, Ally.." Her happiness fades away slowly.

"What's wrong?"

"I.. oh my god this is hard.." Her eyes widen and she looks at her feet.

"I don't.. I don't love you, anymore..." I feel my eyes watering and blink the tears away. But, they eventually come back, and stronger than ever.

"W-what?" I see her squint, to hold back.

"I'm sorry.." I give her a final kiss on the cheek and hug her tightly. Letting go, hesitantly, and leaving. Telling myself
"Don't look back. Don't look back.."


I hop in my car and drive. I just drive. When I finally reach my destination.
I push the door open and run up the stairs. Not bothering to apologize to anyone I bumped into, I get there.
They told me I couldn't go in, but I didn't care.
I held her hand and whispered in her ear
"I love you, Rosette. It's me, Harry, and I love you."

That is all.
Good bye.

~Jessie xoxo

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