Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

It's Too Late For This

Mari's POV

Why me? I leave to go to an old friends party and people get drunk. Including Simon. Simon was my friend. WAS. Now he is seducing me or something. I HAVE A BOYFRIEND. Maybe not after this though.

"Mari, I haven't kissed you in years." Said drunk Simon. We never kissed before.

"Hi, Simon." I waved a bit and tried to leave but he grabbed my hips.

"Don't leave, I wanna have fu-uu-uuun!"

"I'm leaving." I said simply. Simon grabbed the ends of my skirt and tugged me back, I slapped his hand away. He pulled me close and I pushed him back.

"Kiss me." Simon whispered.

"Umm.. HELL NO!"

"Kiss me." He said harshly. His grip on me tightened.

"Simon, your drunk." I told him. He smiled and started kissing me. I pulled away and slapped him. The crowd around us and the booming music prevented anyone from knowing what was going on. Simon's eyes suddenly turned to dark lust. He pushed me against the wall.

"Now," he said, hauling his blazer off and throwing my small handbag on the floor. He lips crashed against mine. I felt hopeless so I just gave up and kissed back, knowing it would cost me.

"Mari?!" I heard a familiar voice yell. I pushed Simon off me and he grunted.

It was Niall.

I mentally swore and picked up my bag. "Ummm, Niall. It's not what it looks like!"

"Really? Of course it's not." Niall shoots back. The music is quickly turned off and everyone is staring at us.

"Wh-why are you here?" I try to change the subject.

"To give you this!" He hold out a box, it's an engagement ring. I gasp.

"Niall! Oh my- yes!" I shout. Millions of thoughts running through my head.

"Obviously, it's too late for this." He says, quickly shutting the box and storming out the door. I feeling tears sting my eyes.

"Hey, babe, now it's just you me-" Simon starts but I turn around and slap him.

"No, it's just you." And I try to follow Niall.

I just ruined everything.

Niall's POV

Seeing Mari kiss that guy was like getting my heart ripped out. That ring cost me so much and I wanted to surprise her. Now it obviously wasn't going to happen.

"Niall!" I heard someone yell. "Please!"

Mari caught up with me. She grabbed my arm and made me look into her eyes.

"He was drunk! He forced me to kiss him and I gave in!" Mari pleaded. I shook my head and tried to walk away.

"That is what bugs me, you gave in." I try to walk but she suddenly grabs my sides and kisses me. Oh snap. This is the part where I frickin love it when she wraps me around her little finger.

"Please Niall, I love you. I want us to get married! Love eachother, die together!"

"Make a family together!" I add.

"Woah, woah, woah, hold your horses, marrying is all I'm ready for right now." I laugh when she says that. But then I realize she is serious.


"Just kidding, but we can have how many you want when I'm ready." Mari laughs.

"15 kids." I say, seriously, that's how many I want.

"No." She says and that obviously is not a joke. "We will talk later."


Mari's POV

My life would have been over without him. And I mean it. If he hadn't of forgive me, I don't know what I would have done.

" Niall, I really do love you! " He smiles.

" You've said that about forty times, Mari. "

" And I'm going to keep saying it until you know that I really do mean it. " He sighs and heads up the stairs.

" Niall, wait! " He turns around with tears running down his cheeks.

" What is it? " A few tears trickle down my face and I speak up.

"Please come back down here. " He comes back down the stairs and stops in front of me.

" I'm here. " As soon as he says that I smash my lips on his and he picks me up bridal style.

" So you love me, Mari? Really? " I nod and he carries me up the stairs.


This chapter was written by Narry_Dot_Com. Go follow her. NOW! This isn't a request.. This is an order. But... If you like the story and want more chapters.... Follow me and all of my friends! Follow me I follow back. And this Nari moment just kills me!

~Jess xoxo

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