Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

What Do I Do

Liam's POV

I have decided to come home. I wanted to get away from all the drama. But I think that I created more of it.

My car stopped at a near-by road to our home and I walked the rest of the way. Not expecting to see anyone outside, I casually slipped into the front yard to see Rosette sneaking out with a suit case.

She turned around and her face in shock,

" Liam? "

" Yeah. " I reply with tears pouring down Rosey's cheeks.

"W-Why did you leave me?" Her eyes turning red with sadness.

" I-I don't know, I wanted to get away, just for a day, but I was gone longer and I'm so sorry, Baby! " She sterns her face and the words that escape her lips, I never thought I would hear her say.

" It's too late for that." Rosette brushes past me and jumps in her car. My cheeks begin to burn as tears slowly roll down my face.

" Rosette, no! don't leave! " She turns around in anger.

" What, like you totally didn't do to me!? Yeah right! " Well there goes my entire life, right down the fucking drain.

I barge in the house and slam the door behind me, waking almost everyone.

" LIAM! " Everyone yells simultaneously.

" Yeah, hi.. " They look confused as I run up to my room in anger as well as sadness.

The bathroom connected to my bedroom is the only place that I can have privacy.

I look at myself in the mirror and just cry.

I should just die because my life is NOTHING without her.

Now all I can ask is why.




Just why.

Rosette's POV

I left with the last words. And I don't regret a thing. Now I'm on the road to who knows where.

I look away from the road to change the song and lost control of the wheel. Next thing I knew, I was in the ditch next to a police car. Then I blacked out.


And here it is. Chapter 14. I want to thank all of you guys for sticking around throughout this whole story, and I think that I'm gonna keep it going for a while. But, I love you all, stay beautiful!

~Jessie xoxo

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