Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Don't You Die On Me..


Alyssa's POV


I felt a stream of tears roll down my tender cheeks.

"She'll be okay, babe. She is really tough." Louis cups my face and wipes away my tears with his thumb. He plants a quick peck on my lips and I cry more.

"But what if it was me! That could been me!" I feel drops I my face, they weren't my tears this time.

"I know that it could've been you. But it wasn't. And I am so grateful for that. I love Rosette, too. But I love you so much more." I snuggle into the crook of his neck and wrap my arms around his middle.

"I love you." He says against my head.

"I-I love you, too."


Liam's POV


I arrive to the hospital and run inside.

"I'm looking for Rosette Parsons!" I yell at the secretary. She gives me an angry look.

"She is in surgery. her brain had severe trama." I see her smile sarcastically.

"Thank you.." I turn around, not noticing the tears running down my face.


A reporter runs towards me. I motion for him to leave me alone but, you know reporters, he doesn't.

"How is Rosette? What happened? When did she go into surgery?" The questions run through my mind as they come.

"I DONT KNOW! Okay?! I don't know.." I frown and the reporter turns with a scoff.

"This is what I get for interviewing snobs.." I hear him huff.

"Pfft, you're the snob.." I think to myself. I wanted to say it, but I knew that he'd just put it in the magazines.

"Liam Payne- Big Time Priss". Just the thought of being called a priss makes me shiver because, everyone likes me!

I smile but quickly realize that this is no time for smiling. Rosette is hurt. And it's my fault.


Rosettes POV


I wake up in white sheets. Surrounded by nurses.

"She's awake!" One says.

"Call the doctor!" Another says.

"No! Call her boyfriend! He's in the waiting room." The first one argues and another nods, running out of the room. To get Liam, I suppose.

"Can someone explain to me what's going on?!" I half yell, half speak. My throat hurts like hell.

"Hon, you were in an accident. A very serious one. Your head had terrible trauma and you have 3 broken ribs. As well as a broken ankle. But, you should be fine in a few months." I gaze at the nurse like I saw a ghost. And she waves her hand in my face to check if I'm alright.

"Huh?!" I gasp. She smiles.

"Don't worry. Your boyfriend is coming in now." I sigh in relief as he walks in the door.

"Rosette!" I see the stains from tears on his cheeks. But I don't care.

"Hi, Liam." I manage a smile.

"How do you feel?" He looks at me with hopeful eyes.

"I guess that I'm okay." But all of that changed in three seconds.

I feel my arms becoming numb, as well as my legs and start to panic. Just as I went to speak, I felt a darkness come over me. And that's all I saw. Darkness. And I heard nothing. Just ear splitting silence. That was it. I knew I was going to die.


Liam's POV


Next thing I knew, I heard that long, dreadful noise.

"Beep. Beep. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep".

"Rosette?! ROSETTE?!" I begin to panic. Calling out to doctors in the hall.

"SOMEONE HELP! SHE'S DYING!" I see a few doctors running down the hall towards me.

The reach me, and push me out of the way and into the room, shutting the door behind us.

It all happened so fast.

We were talking.

Then, bam.

The long beep.

And I think that my faith has run out.


SO..? Rosette is dying. That's fun.. Uhm, I think I know where I'm going with this. But we shall see in the near future! I love you guys!

~Jessie xoxo

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