1. Not close enough.

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It was Friday night and Lenox Halloway was lying on her bed; her laptop open over her lap as she slowly scrolled down her twitter timeline. The clock on the right side of her computer marked that it was already 11, and she was still fully dressed, with her hair braided and her makeup on.

Her favorite boy band, The Fooo Conspiracy, was visiting her country for 'vacations' and she had been waiting the whole day for them to tweet something about it. It didn't matter how much she refreshed the page, there wasn't any tweet about them being there. She didn't even know when they were going to land; she only knew that they said it was going to be today. She was tired out of her mind, but she couldn't go to sleep knowing that her favorite band could be breathing the same air as her at any moment.

She sighed when a picture of her favorite member, Felix Sandman, appeared on the screen. It was crazy how much they meant to her, she thought. She had been a Foooer for two years now and she wondered when she was finally going to meet them.

Lenox was a dedicated fan; she could stay up all night just for a video release and she could hit tweet limit trying to get a follow from them. None of them followed her, but she still tried as hard as she could to get noticed. The four members had changed her life completely. She loved each of them so much that it hurt.

And then, there was Felix.

Felix meant everything to her. It was the way he smiled and how his hair fell perfectly over his face. Everything about him fascinated her. Well, actually everything about all of them fascinated her. But Felix had something that had caught her heart from the very start.

Lenox had been thinking a lot about meeting them lately, and the fact that they were going to be so close to her made her beyond excited.

She had to meet them.

And maybe that's why she hadn't changed into her pajamas yet. Maybe it was because she was still holding to the possibility of meeting them at the airport... And maybe, it was going to happen.

She couldn't let this opportunity go away. That would be the worst thing to happen.

Lenox had been thinking about details too. Meeting them could easily be the best moment of her life, but she knew it was going to be just another moment for them. She tried hard not to think about that kind of stuff. That's how it was supposed to be anyway. She was meant to be another girl in the crowd, another star in the galaxy. She knew she had to be grateful for even having the chance to meet them. If she had it, of course.

But if she did, she certainly didn't want to be just another fan.

She wanted them to remember her. She wanted him to remember her.

"Okay." She said to herself, still looking at the picture. "How am I going to impress you Mr. Sandman?

Almost immediately her phone vibrated beside her, and she quickly opened her texts to see an account she was subscribed to had tweeted an update.

@TheFoooUpdates: The boys have finally arrived at (your country)!! Hope you enjoy the place @thefooomusic :)

"OH MY GOD." Lenox screamed and instantly covered her mouth, remembering that her family was already sleeping. She stood up from her bed and changed her flip-flops into a pair of boots. She glanced one last time at herself in the mirror and hurried downstairs. She was going to the airport.

She didn't care about anything anymore. She had already thought about the possibility of going. But now it was real. They were here and she needed to go.

"ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod." She kept saying as she walked down the stairs and to the front door, trying to be as quiet as possible.

But just as she was about to reach the doorknob, she heard someone calling her name from behind.

"Where do you think you are going, young lady?"

Crap. It was her mother.

Lenox turned around slowly. "Mom." She said, trying to give her mother an innocent smile.

"You didn't answer my question." Her mother replied, not even wincing at Lenox

"Um, nowhere." Lenox cleaned her throat and tried to find the words to keep talking. "I was just... checking if the door was locked." She added, reaching her hand to the doorknob once more and turning it around until it clicked. "Yep, definitely locked." She said last, ignoring her mother's eyes inspecting her every move. She started walking back to the stairs as fast as she could, hoping her mother would believe her.

"Wait." Her mother ordered and Lenox froze in place. "Tell me why are you still awake?"

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that question?" She mumbled, gritting her teeth.

"Lenox!" Her mother exclaimed angrily, and Lenox could almost sense her crossing her arms over her chest.

She sighed and turned around to face her again. "Okay fine!" She said, throwing her arms in surrender. "The Fooo Conspiracy just landed at the ariport."

"The Fu... what?" Her mother asked confused and Lenox had to fight the urge to roll her eyes.

"My band mom! My band!" She responded.

"Ooh, you mean those gangster wannabes you like?" She asked, frowning.

Lenox clenched her hands into fists and bit her tongue to stop her mouth from debating her mom. She wanted to discuss about it, she wanted to tell her mother that she was wrong. But she had already had this conversion a thousand times, and it never ended well; so she just breathed in and said: "Yes mother."

"So you were planning on sneaking out to go meet this band of yours?!" Her mother yelled, incredulous.

But of course she didn't understand!

"NO!" She replied, and her mother shot her an accusing glare. "Okay, yes!" She said, giving up. Sometimes it scared her how easy she gave up to her mother.

"Lenox..." Her mother placed her hand on her head and sighed. "You can't go to the airport in the middle of the night by yourself! Are you out of your mind?"

"But mom..."

"No!" She cut her off. "You are going back to your room immediately! And if I find out that you snuck out, you'll be in serious trouble young lady!"

Lenox looked at her mother and took a deep, deep breath, trying to control the anger that was taking over her. "Yes ma'am." Was all she could say before she turned around and walked to her room.

Perhaps she wasn't going to meet them after all.

She threw herself into the comfort of her bed and buried her face in her pillows, letting a frustrated scream get lost in the layers of cotton and fabric.

She knew she couldn't risk being grounded, but she couldn't let this stop her.

And she wasn't going to.

Unpredictable. (Felix Sandman)Where stories live. Discover now