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Izukus eyes opened. He looked all around the room and noticed he was in the hospital. Izuku tried to get up but felt a sharp pain threw his stomach. He looked down and remembered... he was in a fight with overhaul. Izuku got up slowly and walked over to the door, then went to open it but a doctor opened it first.

"Ah Evident, you're awake." The doctor said, then izuku nodded. "Is Eri okay?" Izuku asked, and the doctor sighed. "She is fine, it took her some convincing to be separated from you." Izuku sighed in relief, then the doctor said "you can go see her if you want, she is on the top floor and in room 36B. But after that I need to speak with you."

Izuku nodded and made his way to Eri. He went up the stairs and made it to her room, then he saw Aizawa sitting outside her door. "Eraserhead? I'm guessing you picked us up?" Izuku chuckled, but Aizawa remained silent. Izuku nervously chuckled, then asked "Eraserhead? Is everything okay?"

Aizawa smiled. "You actually did it. You took all of them out. By yourself." Izuku smiled as well and said "of course I did.
I said I was didn't I? But I did need some help at the end." Aizawa got up and shook his hand, then said "you never cease to amaze me." Then started walking away. Izuku chuckled, then opened the door. He saw a nurse taking Eris temperature, then Eri looked over and shouted "papa!" She jump off the bed and ran over to izuku, then she jumped up and hugged him.

Izuku winced in pain. "Hey Eri I'm glad your ok- WAIT PAPA?!" Izuku said, then the nurse nervously chuckled. "I'm sorry Evident, I read her a story that had a papa in it, then she asked what they ment and I explained to her what a papa was, then she instantly thought of you." Izuku sighed, then looked down to Eri, who had tears in her eyes. "I-Is that not o-okay?" She asked, and izuku couldn't say no.

"No no it is. I'm okay with it." Eri made a weird face, then izuku asked "what's wrong Eri? Are you okay?" She nodded. "Yeah I a-am... I'm just trying to smile but, I don't know how." Izuku stood there for a second, then his heart shattered. Izuku bent down and put his hand on her shoulder, then said "don't worry, it'll come to you sooner or later."

"Alright Evident, it's time for her bath, so if you can come back later and see her that would be great." Izuku stood up and nodded, then Eri grabbed his leg. "Please D-Don't leave papa." He bent down and gave Eri a hug and said "don't worry, I'm not leaving. I'll be right downstairs. If you need me, tell the nurse and she'll come get me, okay?" Eri looked at the nurse and she nodded, then she looked back at izuku. "Okay then... will you b-be back today?" Izuku nodded, then stood up and went back to his room.

Izuku walked in, then saw his doctor looking at a clipboard. "Alright doc I'm back. What did you want to talk about?" Izuku said, then the doctor turned around. "Ahh yes, There is a few things I want to talk about. The first thing I would like to say is that you are recovering quite well and you will be able to leave tomorrow... But no hero work for about two weeks." Izuku groaned and his head fell down. "And the other thing..." izuku looked back up and started paying attention.

"Eri has no relatives what so ever. We tried looking her up in the system but it is like she wasn't even born. And she's not related to overhaul either." Izuku eyes opened a little bit, then looked down. "Is that why she called me papa?" He thought, then the doctor started talking again. "We can keep her here for a little while until shes stable enough to leave, but then we would have to put her in an orphanage."

Izuku looked up and shook it head. "No we cannot do that." Izuku started. "What if I adopt her? Would that be okay?" The doctor looked surprised. He set his clipboard down, then said "are you sure Evident? You still live at the U.A. dorms, and even when you leave there and get your own place, watching her and being a hero will be difficult." Izuku nodded without hesitation. "I know it will be hard but it will be fine. I'm sure of it. And I know some great babysitters."

The doctor looked hesitant, and izuku could tell. Izuku walked up to him and put his hand on his shoulder. "You know she won't last in a orphanage." The doctor smiled, then nodded. "Okay Then it's official, I'll get the papers, and you can go tell your daughter." Izuku smiled and jumped up, then was gonna run to Eris room but the doctor stopped him. "I forgot... there is a bunch of news reporters outside, and I was wondering if you can go talk to them so they can leave?" Izuku sighed, then walked out of his room and started to head to the reporters.

//Next day//

"Alright Eri, ready to go home?" Izuku asked, and Eri nodded nervously. "You okay?" Eri nodded again, then said "I'm just a l-little scared to see all the people you told me about." Izuku bent down and picked her up, then smiled. "Don't worry Eri, they are all nice people. And I am here, so you'll be okay." Eri nodded, then they were outside of the dorms. He set Eri down and grabbed her hand, then asked "you ready?" She tried to smile to show that she was ready, but it didn't work, so she just nodded. Izukus heart shattered once again. He wants her to smile without forcing it.

Izuku walked through the front door and everyone welcomed him back. They got up and some congratulated him on taking a whole gang down by himself, others were asking how did he do it and was he really that strong. Kyoka walked up and hugged him, then said "I'm glad you're okay." With a big smile on her face. Izuku smiled and his smile only grew bigger. "Guys, I'll answer all of your questions later. Right now want to introduce someone."

He looked to his side and saw eri wasn't there, so he looked behind him and saw she was hiding behind him. Izuku stepped out of the way, then said "guys this is Eri, my daughter." Eri looked up at everyone and said "H-Hello..." everyone was silent. "D-Did I say it r-right papa?" Eri said while looking up to izuku. Izuku nodded with a finger on his chin. "Yeah you did. I don't know what's happening right now, this is a first for me too."

Kyoka fainted, then everyone started freaking out. "Izuku you have a daughter?!" They all shouted, which scared Eri so she grabbed izuku leg and closed her eyes. Izuku picked her up and yelled "alright everyone settle down!" They went quiet. Izuku covered her ears, then said "she was the little girl I saved when I was taking down the whole gang. She didn't have any family members who were alive and I didn't want her to go to an orphanage so, I adopted her."

Everyone started settle down, then katsuki looked over to kyoka and said "looks like someone didn't catch that." Izuku walked over to her and shook her a little bit. "Huh... oh zuku, you're back. I had the weirdest dream..." kyoka said, then looked in his arms. "That wasn't a dream." Katsuki said while laughing, then momo hit him in the arm. "Okay kyoka I know this is crazy but, come on, we'll have fun raising her together." Izuku said while smiling, then a big blush went on kyokas face.

Izuku covered Eris ears again and told the whole thing again to kyoka. He set Eri down and started introducing everyone. "Eri, this is kyoka, my soon to be wife, and soon to be your mama." Kyoka blush got bigger, then she said "h-hi Eri." Eri walked over to her slowly, and gave her a hug. Kyoka heart melted, then Eri said "I-Im.." she looked up to izuku. "Happy?" He said, then she nodded. "I-Im happy to see you, mama." Her heart melted even more. "I'm happy to see you too Eri."

Izuku walked up to katsuki, then pulled him close. "This is uncle katsuki, you can just call him uncle. He is my brother." Katsuki bent down and patted Eris head, then said "hey Eri, welcome to the family." Eri tried to smile, but she couldn't again. Momo walked up and smiled. "Ahh you're so cute Eri!" Izuku chuckled, then said "this is auntie momo." Kyoka and momo started talking to Eri and izuku looked at them with a smile on his face. Katsuki put his hand on izukus shoulder and said "this is great izuku, it is, but... how are you gonna tell mom and dad?" Izuku stiffened up. "I forgot abou them!"

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