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Kyokas eyes fluttered opened. She looked to her side, then sighed and grabbed her pillow and put it over her face. "I do this every morning.. when is it gonna stop?" Kyoka jumped up and yawned while making her way to the bathroom. She grabbed her phone on the way and stopped in her tracks when she looked at the date. It's been two years since she last saw izuku. She groaned and went into the bathroom, then put her hair into a ponytail and started doing her morning routine. Kyoka didn't notice it, but she let her hair grow longer.

"Oi kyoka, how are you doing today?" Katsuki asked while they were walking to school. She groaned and put her head into her hands, then momo chopped her head. "You need to get out of that mood kyoka. Ever since izukus been gone you've been like this." Kyoka grabbed her head and winced in pain. "Yeah, he said he'll be back. That idiot even proposed, he will definitely be back." Katsuki said while momo nodded in agreement. Kyoka blushed and looked at her finger, then started smiling. Katsuki and momo snickered while looking at each other, then both thought "that cheered her up real quick." At the same time.

Kyoka shook her head and sighed, then said "you guys are right... But come on, two years is a long time, I bet you guys couldn't do it." Katsuki nodded in agreement, but momo shrugged. "I can take it or leave it at this point." Katsuki flicked her forehead, then said "you wouldn't last five minutes without me." They started playfully arguing, and kyoka sighed. "That just makes me miss izuku more."


"When is this gonna end?" Kyoka thought while groaning. She couldn't handle more of Aizawas lecture, so she pulled out her phone and started looking through her photos she has of izuku. "Pay attention kyoka." Aizawa said and kyoka looked up, then a marker hit her in the head. Kyoka covered her head and the class lightly laughed, then they got back to work. Aizawa got back to teaching and kyoka got back to listening. Everything was going how it always goes... Boring and way too much stuff to keep up with.

Aizawa was about to say something else, until there was a crash against the door. Everyone looked towards the door, then it opened, and izuku slowly walked in it but.... He was all beaten up. "Aiz...a..wa..." was all he said, then he dropped to his knees and was gonna hit the floor but Aizawa caught him. "W-What just happened?" Kyoka thought, then looked down and saw izuku passed out in Aizawas arms. Aizawa threw him over his shoulder and stood up, then said "katsuki and kyoka come with me. Iida, you're in charge until I get back." And started to run out of the room. Katsuki and kyoka were frozen, then they both got up and followed him.

"Alright, I called my mom and dad. They said they'll be here in 20 minutes." Katsuki said while sitting down in a chair. Recovery girl walked back to her desk and Aizawa sighed, then looked over to kyoka, who had a big smile on her face. "Kyoka you okay? Izuku looks pretty beaten up, but you seem happy?" Aizawa asked, and she nodded. "Well Recovery girl said he was gonna be fine soo... how can I not be happy?! Izuku is back!" Aizawa chuckled, the RG said "yeah, only because I had to help him. He was healing, But he would of been out for a couple of days. With my help, he could be up at the end of the day."

Kyoka frowned. "Well, I guess that's better then a couple of days..." She thought, then izukus eyes opened. They opened big, then he jumped out of the bed and backed up into a wall, then started breathing heavily. "Woah izuku! Calm down, you're okay!" Katsuki said walking slowly towards him, with kyoka and Aizawa behind him. "K-Katsuki?" He said, then smiled. He walked up to him and hugged him, and katsuki hugged back. "Its good to see you man.... And what the hell?! You got taller than me?!" Katsuki said and backed up, then izuku stood up normally.

He stood at 6'5, and katsuki was 5'9. "Well it happens katsuki, I can't stop it." Izuku said while laughing, and kyoka was standing still, not knowing what to. Izuku looked her way and smiled, then he walked over to her and picked her up. He hugged her, then she started smiling and hugged him back. "I've missed you so much Zuku!" She shouted, then izuku lightly laughed and he put her down, and kissed her. Of course, izuku had to bend down, which made kyoka start laughing. Izuku pulled back and said "I can't kiss you if you keep laughing kyoka." While chuckling.

AN: He looks like the picture above

Izuku Stood up straight, then walked of to Aizawa but he put his hand in front of izuku and said "I swear to god izuku, if you hug me I'll make you run around U.A. two times." Izuku pushed the hand away and hugged him. Aizawa tensed up, then groaned and hugged back. Izuku backed up and smiled, then Aizawa coughed a little. "Izuku we are happy that you are back but, why were you all beaten up? Do you have any unfinished business?" Aizawa asked while kyoka jumped on izukus back.

"Well I was fighting the last demon we needed in order to be done with everything... But, I tried to fight him alone. I went without telling cain and tried to fight him and well, you can tell it went bad... Cain came at the last second and told me to teleport here, and said he'll meet up with me later." Izuku said while holding kyoka on his back. Katsuki, kyoka, and aizawa facedpalmed. Kyoka wrapped her arms around izukus neck, then said "why don't you have the mark?" Izuku scratched his cheek and started lightly laughing.

"I told him I didn't want it, what's the point of fighting if there wasn't a rush of dying?" kyoka sighed and hugged him tighter. Aizawa rubbed his face and said "of course you said that.." they all started laughing a little, then the door busted open and mitsuki ran through it. "WHERE IS IZUKU?!" Masaru came behind her and said "now mitsuki, hes probably sleeping, we don't want to wake him up do we?"

Izuku started laughing, then they both looked looked over to him. "Hey mom, dad. I'm back." He said with a smile on his face, then kyoka got off his back. Mitsuki started to tear up, then ran up to him and hugged him. Masaru went right by them and hugged the both of them. Izuku wrapped both of them in his arms and started to lightly laugh. "It's good to be home.." izuku thought, then hugged them tighter.

"Wow, you got taller..." mitsuki started, then jumped up and karate chomped his head. (Mitsuki is 5'7 btw.) "It sucks that I have to jump up now! But how can you leave kyoka alone for two years?! I know you said you would be gone but you couldn't even send a single text?!" She finished and izuku looked back at kyoka, who was standing awkwardly. "I am sorry about that kyoka.. I just didn't want you to be found by any demons." He said, then kyoka smiled.

He turned back around and she jumped on his back again. "So izuku, did you want to come back to U.A.? Of course, you can stay with your family for as long as you can until you want to come back." Aizawa said, then everyone looked at him. Izuku sighed, then said "yeah, sure. Before I go back with them, can I say hi to the class?" Aizawa nodded, then izuku smiled. "Well then, I'll see you guys in a second, katsuki grab onto me." Katsuki did what he was told, then they disappeared.


"Wow, they were gone for the rest of class." Shoji said and everyone nodded. "Well izuku looked really messed up, they are just trying to figure out what is wrong with him.." momo said while walking back and forth. Everyone slumped down in their seats, then izuku teleported on top of the coffee table. "This wasn't here before.." izuku said, then the class jumped back. "Izuku?!" They all said.

They all rushed him and started to give him a hug. Izuku started laughing and hugged them all back. "Man we haven't seen you since you beat Gabriel!" Kirishima said, then izuku chuckled. "And what the hell?! You're taller then shoji now!" Mina shouted while everyone nodded. Shoji walked up to him and hugged him, then izuku hugged back. "I'm glad you're back man." Shoji said, then izuku nodded. "Me too."

They both backed away, then shoji grinned and izuku could tell. "How strong  have you gotten since then?" Shoji asked, then izuku smiled. "Depends on what you think is strong." The class groaned, then shoji said "well let's fight! I've gotten a lot stronger as well!" Shoji reached out his hand and izuku thought about it for a second, then grabbed it. "You're on... But we have to wait until I get back. I'm gonna go see my family for a little bit." Izuku said while smiling.

Well well well, look who's back. Welcome, I hope you guys will enjoy this as much as I will.

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