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It's been a week since izukus been back, and hes loved every second of it. Aizawa let katsuki, momo, and kyoka go back with izuku to stay with mitsuki and masaru.

Izuku told them about where he's been and what he has done, and some of them were dangerous, and kyoka got upset with him. "Shes been talking to my mom too much.." izuku thought through out the week, and mitsuki just giggled and told him it was bound to happen eventually.

Kyoka also loved it. She couldn't stop taking pictures with izuku, and she couldn't stop laughing when izuku would try to kiss her, because he had to bend down pretty far. Katsuki kept asking izuku how strong he was and he just kept saying "you'll see when I fight shoji." Which made him mad.

"Are you sure you want to go back so soon izuku? You've only been home for a week.." Mitsuki said while sounding sad. Izuku teleported by her and hugged her. "Don't worry about it, I'll teleport here every night to see you guys, alright?" Mitsuki nodded and hugged back, then katsuki coughed. "Well we should get to bed so we can head back tomorrow." He said, then everyone nodded.

Izuku picked up kyoka and she let out a little yell, then they were in his old room. "Warn me next time zuku!" She shouted while playfully hitting him, then izuku started laughing. "I love you so much kyoka." He said, then kyoka started to blush and she covered her face. Izuku sighed, then grabbed her arms and moved them from her face. When her face was showing, he kissed her.

"Y-You have to warn me zuku!" She shouted while izuku started laughing more. Kyoka jumped on the bed, with izuku right behind her, so he landed on her. "Izuku get off! You're too heavy!" She yelled while laughing. Izuku got off and sat by her, then she closed her eyes. His smile went away slowly, then he thought "I hope cain is alright..." He teleported to the light switch and turned off the light, then was in his spot again.

//the next day\\

"Man, it's his first day back and hes already fighting someone." Mina joked and the class started laughing. Izuku stood on one side of the mat, and shoji was on the other side. "Okay izuku and shoji, you guys know the rules. If you get hit out of bounds, you lose. If you get knocked out, you lose. If you are unable to continue, you lose. Are you guys ready?" Aizawa said, then they both nodded.

Aizawa raised his hand up, then brought it down, and izuku was already in front of shoji. "S-So fast!" Shoji thought and saw izuku going to punch his stomach so he put his arms down to block it, then izuku landed the punch. Shoji slid back then looked up and izuku was in front of him again. He tried to punch izuku, but he was to late. The moment shoji raised his arm, izuku punched him in gut.

They stood there for a second, then shoji fell down to his knees and gripped his stomach. "Looks like shoji is unable to continue. Izuku wins." Aizawa said while izuku bent down towards shoji. "Hey you okay man?" He asked and shoji chuckled, then said "y-yeah... You're so fast." Izuku put shojis arm around his neck and helped him off the mat. When he sat him down, he said "alright who's next?" And everyone chuckled nervously.

"I'll go next." Ojiro walked up to the mat and izuku smiled, then izuku walked to the other side. Aizawa raised his hand up, then dropped it and ojiro started rushing izuku. He started throwing a barrage of punches towards izukus face, but izuku was dodging them all. Ojiro threw one and thought it was gonna connect, but he disappeared. Izuku appeared behind him and hit him in the neck, then ojiro fell down on his face.

"What happened to ojiro?!" Mina shouted, then izuku rolled his shoulder, and replied "hes only knocked out. He should be up soon." Izuku picked him up and took him off the mat, then said "alright does anyone else want to go?" Everyone shook their heads no, then izuku sighed. Aizawa looked at izuku and thought "he's holding back.. a lot. Just how strong did he get?" He walked up to izuku and whispered "talk to me after class ends." Izuku looked confused, but nodded.

"Alright izuku, since you knocked ojiro out, you get to take him to Recovery girls office. Everyone else go back to the classroom." Aizawa said and they all groaned. Izuku picked up ojiro and was gonna teleport to her room, but he thought "I forgot where the room was... Eehh I'll figure it out." And teleported anyways.

"Well izuku it was good catching up with you. Thanks for bringing ojiro here, you may go back to class." Recovery girl said, then izuku bowed and walked out. When he walked out, he bumped into someone. Papers went flying everywhere, then izuku hurried and started picking up all the papers. "Oh im so sorry, are you okay?" Izuku asked while holding the stack of papers.

The girl rubbed her head and replied "yeah.. it felt like I ran into a brick wall.." she looked up and saw izuku, then started to blush. She looked up farther and saw his green hair and her jaw dropped. "A-Are you Evident, b-by chance?" Izuku sweat dropped, then chuckled. "How can you tell?" The girls eyes went big, then she shouted "OH MY GOD YOU'RE EVIDENT!"

Others walking around stopped in their tracks and looked over to them, then izuku heard "Evident?! Hes back?!" They started running over to them and izuku looked scared. "T-Thats a lot of people!" He gave the girl her papers and said "sorry that I knocked you over!" Then started running away. He looked behind him and saw the group of people chasing him, then looked back in front of him.

He made a right turn and slid, then hit a wall and kept on running. Izuku looked far ahead and saw All might walking towards him. "Young izuku is that you?!" All might yelled, then izuku ran past him. "ALL MIGHT RUN!" Izuku shouted, and he was confused. All might looked behind izuku and saw the huge group of kids running towards them, then he turned around and started running by izuku. "What the hell did you do izuku?!" All might shouted while running.

They made a sharp turn, then izuku shook his head. "That's the thing, I didn't do anything! One girl found out that I was Evident, then everyone started chasing me!" All might sighed, then face palmed. He looked at izuku and started thinking, then said "can't you just teleport out of this mess?" Izuku slowed down, then groaned loudly. He grabbed all mights arm, then they were gone.

They appeared in class 1-A, and izuku started breathing heavily. "Oh come on zuku, what did you do now?" Kyoka asked, then izuku shook his head and replied "I didn't do anything! One person recognized me as Evident and then everyone started chasing me!" Aizawa looked at him for a minute, then started laughing.

Everyone looked at Aizawa, even all might, with worry in their eyes. Aizawas never laughed before. "I can't believe you haven't been told yet." He walked over to the board and pulled down a screen, then pulled up YouTube. "Izuku, you've become the third most popular hero, and you're not even a pro yet." Aizawa pulled a video and it showed izuku fighting a demon in a city, and saving a bunch of people while fighting him. "This is your most popular video, besides the one where you fought gabriel."

Izuku looked at the screen, and couldn't help but smile. "They honestly didn't tell you izuku?" Izuku looked back towards katsuki, momo, and kyoka, then they all shrugged. "I was too happy that you were back, so I forgot to tell you." Kyoka said, then katsuki chuckled. "I just didn't want you to get cocky and think you are a better fighter than me." Momo put her hands in front of her and started waving them around while saying "suki asked me to, I'm sorry izuku!"

Izuku sighed, but he turned around and said "wow... I can't believe it." Then the bell rang. Kyoka kissed him on the cheek, then waved bye and left the classroom, with everyone leaving behind her. "Now that they are gone.. Izuku, how strong are you now? Because I could tell you were holding back a lot back there when you were fighting shoji and ojiro." Aizawa asked, and this perked all mights interest. Izuku shrugged, then he replied "it's anyone's guess. I dont even know."

All might started laughing. "Why don't you just punch me in my stomach at full strength?" Izuku stepped back, then chuckled and said "I don't know if that will prove anything, are you sure all might?" He nodded, then izuku sighed. He walked in front of all might and got in his stance, then all might stood in his signature stance. Izuku pulled his fist back, then landed a punch to all mights gut, and wind came out from behind him.

All might started coughing, then Aizawa asked "All might you okay?" He nodded, then gripped his stomach. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine.. that was one hell of a punch." Izuku was gonna say something, until he heard "Izuku bakugo, please report to the principal's office. "Well, looks like I gotta go, sorry that I punched you in the all might, and I hope that answered your question Aizawa." Izuku said, then he grabbed his stuff and he was gone. "Does that answer your question Aizawa?" All might asked while taking a deep breath, then letting it all out. Aizawa nodded, then replied "yeah.. I think so."

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