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-to make (someone) more confident

-to instill with boldness or courage

Just a warning that our introduction may sound sappy for a change. You are free to cringe if you would lile to. I supposed that it would be nice to play a few fresh cards on this table. It is not like I would be doing this kind of introductions again soon anyways.

Well, if it isn’t to your liking, you could easily skip towards the story proper. You won’t miss anything big, after all. I just hoped to try this style of writing before ending this story, is all. Worry not though, I won’t end this just after a few more chapters, so rest easy.

It was around summer when a small bond had blossomed between Kusuo and the (h/c)-haired girl. Did he expect it? Of course, he didn’t. He was quite keen with having nothing to do with the aforementioned female after all. An annoying idiot – that was his initial impression of (Y/N).

Boy, did he hit bull’s-eye.

As he would reminisce on the fond distant memory, if it weren’t for Mrs. Saiki’s meddling, he wouldn’t have gotten to know the girl named (L/N) (Y/N). Through the course of time he was able to spend with the female, Kusuo could point out a few traits of hers.

She was definitely not just your average girl who would unabashedly ambush you with an abrupt confession and marriage proposal. It wasn’t rare to see her masking that carefree smile of hers. She was definitely an honest, straightforward girl – like most idiots. And, of course, she owns such a beautiful heart.

They wouldn’t have grown close. Their bond sure took baby steps, slow and natural. Perhaps, that is why the strawberry-haired psychic finds it now difficult to imagine how it would have been if it weren’t for Mrs. Saiki pushing him to get along with (h/c)-head. Ironically, as much as his mother practically shoved him to actually interact with the girl, their friendship didn’t feel forced as time flew by. It just felt so… natural. Like how it was natural for grey skies to eventually light up with baby blue hues and white cottony clouds.

He wouldn’t have grown attached. Now that he was given the opportunity to think about it, since when had he felt this was towards the carefree female? He would trace back at the distant memories of the girl, but he just couldn’t draw the line when. There was one thing he could point out though, he wouldn’t dare let go of any of those memories. Kusuo wouldn’t lie to himself – looking back at every page of his small, great moments with the girl was similar to re-reading the favourite chapters of your favourite book over and over and over, without ever getting tired of the.

He wouldn’t have fallen in love.  If he were to be questioned why, the young psychic couldn’t honestly draw himself a precise answer. After a moment of digging deep inside the unfathomable abyss of his heart and mind, all he could depict is a vague, unintelligent answer – because she is (Y/N). Well, there are no clever people in the game called love; fools though – there’s a huge pile of them.

And, he wouldn’t have gotten to experience the rollercoaster ride of different swirls of emotion.

Now that he thought about it, it was around that time when he had been intrigued by her presence. She was more than the annoying, persistent brat that she was. He wouldn’t have tried to piece together the puzzle she was. Even through a little over a whole year of being with the girl, the bespectacled psychic still couldn’t search for every piece – in fact, a lot of them were still missing. It took him much more than time to complete the whole picture.

𝚄𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚊 • 𝙳𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚊 || Saiki KusuoWhere stories live. Discover now