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-a situation or event that causes you to feel ashamed or embarrassed.

Each and every person there is has a quality which stands out from them the most - a specialty or talent in simpler terms. Well, it may not be very fair to consider generalizing that every person there is has a redeeming quality they could use as their self-identification. There is what we call background characters after all, those who live a boring mundane life.

As rude as it may have sounded, the fact that you have been living such a stagnant life makes you the factor which brings that so-called definition towards yourself. It is because you don't search for things that can make your life interesting, like a hobby perhaps.

Well, for the most part, searching for your self-identity can make your living a bit more interesting. Yours truly can never confirm if it can be healthy, but performing a few experiments on yourself and your relationships can be quite entertaining - though, I wouldn't advise so much of it for it can affect you psychologically.

In any case, like I have mentioned from the previous chapter, I am no therapist and anything written here is far from fact. It is up to you how much this mediocre story can affect the different aspects of your being.

Let us move on from that now, shall we?

It can be quite amazing how a classroom can change to suit the current atmosphere. There would be times that it could turn to a live concert during breaks, a courtroom during debates, a boxing arena when there is a fight, or a café during a school festival. In fact, Kusuo felt that it can be too good to be true that his rowdy classroom can be a bit too peaceful at the moment - quite serene actually.

Besides the pencils brushing across the textured paper of each student's sketch pad and the occasional dragging of the chairs on the tiled floor along with a few occasional soft mumbles here and there, the room was pretty much desolate of sound. Now, such situation do happen quite often, like during a serious lesson or a test. The one bit that threw off the young psychic quite a bit was the fact that, at the moment, their already chaotic class is sharing a joint art lesson with (Y/N)'s.

Looking back from the previous joint periods with the (h/c)-haired girl, it can pretty much be considered a phenomenon that chaos still hasn't occurred for the past twenty minutes. By this time, there should already be a dead frog.

"(Y/N), what exactly did you eat for breakfast?" Kusuo inquired as he found it hard to tear his eyes away from the tousled-haired girl instead of actually doing the activity they were tasked to do. Well, we cannot blame the pink-haired boy for the suspicion.

"Cereal with no milk since we ran out, so stop reminding me." The (h/c)-haired girl grumbled in response as she grabbed Kusuo's eraser from his hold, applying rather too much force on the paper. Upon blowing the dust away, she cocked an eyebrow as she found her companion staring at her nonstop, their contrasting hues meeting. "What is with that stare of yours?" She questioned with eyebrows knitted together.

"I'm merely observing your ugly face for the portrait." Kusuo hummed, moving his attention back to the blank piece of paper. For the past couple of minutes, he had been contemplating how to make his drawing not seem too flashy. After all, he preferred not standing out with his actual skills in art. Well, trying to make your art look good when you suck at drawing is just as a hard hurdle as making your drawing look shit when you're basically a genius in drawing.

"I don't really want to hear that from the likes of you." (Y/N) remarked, stealing occasional glances from the strawberry-haired male as she went back to her portrait. Every now and then, Kusuo would notice how the shorter teen would momentarily lean her back on her chair whilst seeming to be in a deep contemplation as her gaze would switch from unrevealed drawing and Kusuo. "Say, Kusuo?"

𝚄𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚊 • 𝙳𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚊 || Saiki KusuoWhere stories live. Discover now