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-the quality or condition of being obstinate; stubbornness.

Love can do such odd and mysterious things to a person. Now that's a cliché way to start a chapter.

Before yours truly could barf after typing such a sappy introduction for a change, let us forget that the first paragraph of this chapter even existed and move on with my non-cringe worthy style of writing, but is still in fact rather amateurish.

Moving on to the bespectacled male born with psychic powers, the pink-haired boy was currently questioning his sanity as he stood outside the door of a certain insufferable idiot's residence, basically freezing due to the cool breeze of the frosty winter night.

Why did I even come here in the first place? Kusuo questioned himself, his soft, white ears twitching from mild annoyance as his tail would swish from left to right.

Before you question the narrative written on the previous paragraph, allow yours truly to confirm that you had read it correctly. And no, I'm not a furry. The sole reason why Kusuo decided to transform himself into a cat was it would hurt it pride to personally visit the girl he calls (Y/N). Besides, the (h/c)-haired girl wouldn't stop bugging him from it if it were to actually happen.

Especially with the fact that tomorrow is Valentine's Day, the pink-haired male wouldn't want the (h/c)-haired girl to get the wrong idea. It wasn't like he was curious if the idiot even bothered to prepare chocolates for anyone in mind. All he wanted to do was to find any sort of hint on (Y/N)'s background.

It'S nOt LiKE tHe ThOuGhT oF hEr PrEpArInG cHoCoLaTeS fOr SoMeOnE iS BoThEriNG hIM.

As much as it was a pain to type that, Kusuo was growing less patient as each second pass by. Mentally cursing as a strong gust of the frigid winter wind blew past him as if mocking him. You know what they say when someone has become victim of cupid's arrow, "Cupid sure needs some glasses." Oh and, they also turn into one love struck fool.

Having had enough, Kusuo was left no choice. Hopping by the window sill, the animagus – a term referring to a person who could transform into animals for the sake of muggles out there – used a bit of his psychic to slide the window open just enough for him to squeeze in.

"Intruder! Fredric, use scratch!" It was naïve of Kusuo to let his guard down upon entering (Y/N)'s apartment, regretting his decision of going inside with hopes of getting unnoticed as a chocolate-feathered rooster came flying towards his direction. Luckily for him, the (h/c)-haired girl's aim was as great as a blindfolded five-year-old. "Drats! I know I should have used peck instead."

(Y/N) grumbled the words quietly as she trotted towards the poor, innocent chicken that was chucked out of nowhere against his will. And she dares accuse Kusuo of acting boorish against animals. Just as she picked up the rooster she calls Fredric, it was then that she realized that the intruder of her humble abode was a snowy white cat.

Making eye-contact with albino-haired feline, she found herself blinking twice at the presence of the cat. The puzzlement present in her eyes quickly turned to a subtle glare as she hugged the russet-feathered fowl over protectively in her arms. "You're not sneaking in here with the intent to eat my Fredric, are you?" She accused, squinting her eyes with growing suspicion. "Just so you know, he's not fat enough to eat! You vixen!"

𝚄𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚊 • 𝙳𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚊 || Saiki KusuoWhere stories live. Discover now