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-a state of uncertainty or hesitation.

Finally, it was the last day of summer. Kusuo loved the fact that he didn't see anyone annoying for almost every day for two months, albeit a certain female who goes by the name (Y/N). But, it seemed that all good things come to an end.

The pink-haired male has to admit though that he felt a mixture of relief and disappointment that today was the final day for his (h/c)-haired acquaintance's summer visit. It wasn't that he thoroughly enjoyed her presence; in fact, he actually found her, like how he sees everyone, annoying. That was what he was relieved for.

As for the disappointed part, let's just say that he wasn't quite satisfied with the information he had tried gathering from (Y/N), to figure out her whole existence. He found it questionable that no one had searched for the girl, even news roaming around regarding a missing teenage girl. She did mention her family.

Where are they now?

Even if (Y/N) ran away from home, there should be reports from the police going around. But, there was nothing – even after Kusuo tried checking every police station via teleportation.

If he were to be honest, he has to say that he had purposely brought Yuuta to his house (as troublesome it is to do so) just so the child's curiosity can do its work, bombard (Y/N) questions regarding herself. However, it seemed that Kusuo had miscalculated a bit.

"Kuu-chan~!" Hearing his mother cry out his name just as he had awoken was admittedly not a great wakeup call from him. As his bedroom door slammed open due to the raven haired Saiki's frantic actions, the pink haired psychic lets out a groan before giving Mrs. Saiki an aggravated, questioning stare. "Don't give your mother that look, Kuu-chan! I gave birth to you. More importantly, this is a real emergency!"

It made Kusuo question if the person in front of him was a grown woman, moreover his mother by how much of a whining child she was currently acting. Without, having to ask her what emergency Mrs. Saiki was going on about, he already knew what to answer.

"No." After rudely rejecting the woman who had generously carried him inside her womb for nine months and even made all the trouble to give birth to him, feed him, or basically raise him, Kusuo dropped back to the soft mattress of his bed before covering his body with a blanket.

"But, Kuu-chan~!" Like a five-year-old, Mrs. Saiki started throwing tantrums inside his room, stomping her feet immaturely with a pout in her lips. "(Y/N)-chan can't come over because of a fever. Poor child. She sounded so ill from the other line."

If I remember correctly, idiots don't get sick. Kusuo mentally remarked, distressed about what his mother was implying. And I'll bet my monthly coffee jelly allowance that she's actually faking it.

"Kuu-chan, I need you to check on her." Mrs. Saiki shook his son that was tranquilly lying on his bed as she continued to beg. "What if there isn't anyone to take care of her? Come on now, Kuu-chan. Don't act like you don't care for (Y/N)-chan."

"She has Kobayasu watching over her so it's fine." Kusuo answered in an apathetic tone, growing tired of his mother's childish actions. The strawberry haired boy decided to ignore Mrs. Saiki as she continued pestering Kusuo about visiting (Y/N)-chan, thinking to himself that her mother would grow tired sooner or later.

However, half an hour passed and the ebony haired parent was still as persistent as ever. Honestly, her voice was now making his ears bleed.

Realizing that his mother won't stop until she gets what she wants, Kusuo shot up from his bed before sending Mrs. Saiki a small grimace, his eyebrow visibly twitching from annoyance. On the contrary, the parent seemed delighted that her son has now gotten up from bed, grinning brightly from ear-to-ear.

𝚄𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚊 • 𝙳𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚊 || Saiki KusuoWhere stories live. Discover now