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-a lover of rain

-someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days

I, needless to say, am considered as a normal high school student – that is according to my own personal opinion of course. Well, in any case, I suppose any standard student there is would find the first day back after winter break as such a great melancholy. After all, school is for nerds – you know, just a place where you have to pass by before taking the path of a satisfactory future without having to sing horribly for money. And there you have the excuse of an idiot too lazy to even spare a glance at anything that spells 'education'.

Oh, right.

That idiot is none other than me.

Moving on and disregarding my previous words, I was of course no obtuse fool to be tricked by the façade of this thing muggles call "school". With the seemingly eternal suffering I have to endure, it was easy for me to discreet that this place is nothing but hell. Just who in their right mind would give detention to a straight F student for not passing an essay or five that was due two months ago? Teachers, probably.

In any case, with the unforgiving scoldings I had received more than usual – which is about five or six times per day – along with the hour long detention and the torture they call extra credit, it seemed that the current weather greatly fitted the mood of my great distress.

Squinting my eyes through the poorly-lit hallway, the soft taps of my shoes meeting the tiled floor was rendered muted by the loud crash of the pouring rain on the roof the school. I can't help but let out a string of curses leave my lips as the current teacher in-charge of detention had blatantly forgotten me. Heck, it appeared that the rest of the faculty and staff had already taken off to their personal attendance at their own homes!

As the crash of rain drops grew louder, I ceased my footsteps, staring at the grey skies from the little shelter provided by the school entrance. Although not a lot seem to enjoy the rain, I find it quite refreshing and enjoyable. It may be my ten-year-old heart speaking, but I felt tempted to play in the rain, stomping my feet on the puddles as I live out my childhood.

Outstretching my left arm, the cold winter rain met my skin. The frosty breeze of January tickling my skin as it gave off a comfortable tingle in my skin along with the soft drops of water. Smiling in content, I was ready to dump my schoolbag by the school entrance and just prance in the rain like a complete idiot.

Sadly, I had forgotten that the turn of events for the day wasn't conceivably great. It wasn't bad – it was terrible.

"What are you standing there for like a complete idiot?" Hearing the familiar cynical tone, a grimace made its way to my lips, disappointed that the little delight I had left for the day had been completely wiped off by a certain spoilsport.

"What is it to you, Kusuo?" I sneered, not rather pleased to see the pink-haired male's stoic pale features as he had ruined the little moment I hoped to experience at least for once. I was just curious on what it's possibly like to act as those characters having their over-dramatic is all. I wanted to try for how long I could hold myself back before laughing at the whole unoriginality of the scene.

Retrieving my arm from being soaked by the cool rain, I heaved out a sigh as I spun my heels to face the strawberry-haired boy. "What are you even doing here still?" I raised an eyebrow inquisitively as I approached the male closer, continuing my words as I flashed Kusuo a toothy grin. "I was expecting you to have gone straight home."

𝚄𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚊 • 𝙳𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚊 || Saiki KusuoWhere stories live. Discover now