The Curiosity of Poetic{A Mermaids infinite sorrow.sung...}

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Title: The Curiosity of Poetic Questions 

Part/Chp.14: A Mermaids infinite sorrow. Sung.

Picture/Music: Are a combine to inspire the readers.. 

Inspirations: Anime/My dreams/The Ocean/The game endless ocean/

Comments: Are needed for me to keep writing!  

So my little history on this in process of thought poetry: I think I also really wanted to write about Sirens who are kinda the sisters of Mermaids but they capture their listeners with song as bait and then kill them.. Anyways I wanna write about them so yea.. It wasn’t the Little Mermaid but the Grimm’s version that really got it for me! Okay so here is my question to you! 

What words come to mind.. When I say and you read.. 

Mermaids..? Sirens..? Ocean..? And Finally singing..? 

This has been posted Its called The Sirens Serenade if you ever wanna read it! 

Author’s Thought: Please answer this as best you can in a good list so I can copy it later and create something from your help! So anyways whoever is the winner of this will be the dedication! Also not to be forgotten the others that help in making this piece will be part of the honorable mentions! So it’s a win-win for everyone! So get going and start thinking! P.s. what did you think of this part/chapter entitlement..? And the music and picture..? 

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