My Poetical Questions p.9:Geisha's & Prostituting Whores!.Feedback.Respond.Read

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Title: My Poetical Questions

Part:9:Gesishas and Prostituting Whores

Inspirations: The Memoirs of a Geisha..J/K..

Music/Picture: Inspirated for the word hopefully

Meaningless Quote from Friend:" In every just kidding there is some hidden truth.."

Okay so I was thinking it would be pretty interesting to write a poem about them..

So What words come to mind when I say ..

Prostitute.. and Whores..? Er.. Ladies of the night.. or Red District.. ????

(I Hope those helped your creativity to think of some good words!)

Please if you can list all words that came to mind.. Just that very instant.. Like Fire Burning..

Once again thanks for helping out my cause of poetry.. Your amazingly awesome! Remember I won't forget you and you'll always be in my honorable mentions If you participated in this with your words and thoughts etc..! Whenever I finish writing this and post'll be reminded! Anyways I am blabbering so Thanks! So Here are some Random (1-3 Q) _Questions_1. What did you think of the meaningless quote..? 2. Did you like the music and picture..? 3. Have you seen the memoirs of a gesiha..? That's all thanks and bye!

Thank you to everyone that helped me along in this.. The poem has been uploaded.. Its called Betrayals AlluringSeductionPlease enjoy it! This question has been answered and is thereforeterminated..

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