Curious Poetic Questions:P.6:Apostle, Abomination, & Advocate.Speak,Input.Comment.Feedback. Respond.

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Title : Curious Poetic Questions...?

Part: 6: Apostle, Abomination, and Advocate..

Inspiration: Religion and Destruction

Music/Picture: Are some of my muses..

Comments: Are heavy needed... so please!

Okay so I need you, the fans, and curious to help me. So basically all I need from you is to give me your words. And thoughts. If you will pledge with me. Please List them once they pop, or form in your brain's process. So here's the words.. Also for this one I will be adding a definition of meaning.. For all of them. Once again thanks for helping me with this..

Okay so here goes!

1. What comes to mind when I type and you read Apostle..?

Definition of Apostle: A leader of the first Christian mission to a country or region.

2. What words come to mind when I type and you read Abomination..?

Definition of Abomination: 1.a person or thing that is disgusting

2. an action that is vicious, vile, etc.

3. intense loathing

And Lastly

3. What words come to mind for Advocate..?

Definition of Advocate: 1. One that argues for a cause; a supporter or defender

2. One that pleads in another's behalf; an intercessor:

Once again thank you very much for taking your time with each of these. You won't be forgotten but shall be a part of the honorable mentions. When I type and post this poem.. So thanks now all you got to do is list the words in order.. That's all then your done.. Also what did you think of my new favorite picture, and music...? Once again thanks! And have a kick ass day for me!

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