Curious Poetical Questions:p.11 The Swans Song:Read.Feedback.Input.Comment.Speak.

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Title: Curious Poetical Questions

Part:11"":The Soloist Of Mischievous Persona's Rhapsody.. A Play

Inspiration: One Of the Songs of Swans../Thieves/Cheats/

Picture/Music: Aren't for me.. But For you.. Silly.. *Listen to the song its uplifting!*

Comments: Are needed so try not being an asshole for once..

Lil' History: Okay so if your like a fan of me or become a fan of me in the summer then you know about my notorious play The Soloist Of Mischievous Persona's Rhapsody If not what are you doing still reading this!? Go Check it out its awesome! *So Says The Author..Lol*

Anywhom So What Words Come To Mind.. For.........................................................................................

Swans..? Birds In general..? And Angel's..?

Iin general have to write a swan song for my center character Ecko So you'd be helping me loads if you could give out some words *Hopefully in the form of a list* Anyways just two random questions.. 1.What did you think of them music..? 2. What did you think of the picture..? Well that's all and yes you'll be mentioned on the lyrics thing so no worries for your recognition...? Bye! OwO hehe..

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