Poetically Curious Q's 4 Ur A's-P.19(Ghostly Goodbye left)

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Title: Poetically Curious Q's

Chapter/part: 19-A Ghostly goodbye left

Insprations: GhostGirl: the book series/Paranormal stuff/ Paranormal activty. 

Comments: Are a needed must! 

A little background: I've been wanting to write a poem and maybe someone day story of ghosts, and what they represent in the world. So without further ado.. 

What can YOU come up with or describe for ghost, there appearance, what they represent, and the in-between..? 

And what would be a definitonal way of being a ghost..? 

Author's note: Well once again thank you all! Best answer will be dedicated too and the rest honorable mentions and the etc.. I can't wait to see what you all come up with and really thank you again dear reader/readers! 

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