Part 76

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Mattia-did you see y/n?!
Mark-yea she said she was fine but she pushed me right now?
Mattia ran and Mark Maximo and Luca walked in the hotel room
Maximo-what's going on?
Kairi-dumbass Cynthia kissed Mattia while y/n was in the shower!
Cynthia-he kissed me at the fair!
Kyle-we'll talk about this later! Can we just find my sister?!
We all got up
Zach-I'll stay her and see if she comes back. Cynthia don't help you'll made things worse already!
She sat down in the bed and went onto her phone

I was on the roof of the hotel and I just sat there looking at the sky. I didn't want to think about it. Every time our relationship is going good something just ruins it. I can't ever be happy can I?

I wiped the tear that dropped down my cheek and I laid down looking up at the stars.

Meanwhile the boys
Kairi called Mattia

Kairi-did you find her yet?!

Mattia-no I looked everywhere in the hotel. I asked the staff if they've seen her run out but they said no one has walked in or out!
Kyle looked at Kairi and Kairi nodded his head.

Kairi-I'll call you if we find her
He hung up the calm and put his phone in his pocket
Kairi-he said the staff hasn't seen anyone walk in or out
Kyle-so where the hell is she?!

Kairi nodded his head no. And they went to search some more.

Roshaun and Alvaro were looking everyone but no sight of y/n.

Alejandro and Troy went from room to room asking but no one has heard anything nor seen anything.
Mattia was panicking because he couldn't find her.

Zach and Cynthia
Zach-why did you have to kiss him?
Cynthia-he kissed me at the fair!
Zach-you know that's a lie. I was with you guys. When I was playing the game I turned my back to do something and when I looked at you guys you grabbed his face and kissed him and he backed away.
Cynthia-he didn't tell me he was in a relationship with her?!
Zach-it should have been obvious?! And right after you kissed him he said he said he was with y/n! So I don't see why you had to kiss him again when y/n was in the shower and especially in front of us?! Did you think he was really gonna choose you Over her?!
That night at the party you told me he wanted y/n. He still wants her Cynthia. Mattia is in love with her and it shows. He never stops looking at her! He never stops talking about her! Hell y/n is practically why he wakes up in the morning!
She just sat there on her phone. Ignoring what Zachary was saying

*Max, Luca and Maximo*
They were looking for y/n but they couldn't find her. A staff member had seen them running around so he asked them if they can please go back to there room so they don't disturb anyone. They nodded and walked back to the room sitting down on the bed and ignoring that Zach and Cynthia were on the other bed.

I was staring up at the sky and I started crying. Realizing what happened and that I ran away from it. I ran away from everybody. I even ran away from my own brother. I wanted to talk to someone. I couldn't talk to the boys because they were going to tell Mattia or Kyle.
So I took the chance and Texted Mark.....

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