Part 58

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A month went by.

My mom is started to get weaker everyday. Roshaun and Alvaro left a week ago. Me and Mattia aren't together. But the boys help us out. I don't know how much time I have with her. I know Kyle is struggling trying to deal with this. He's hurt mug doesn't want to show it.
Y-hey mom you want some soup
Mom-I'm tired of soup kids. Let's go eat out
Kyle-we tried but you almost passed out remember?
Ale-we can order food?
Kairi-want some McDonalds?

My mom nodded and they ordered the food.
Mom-y/n and Mattia can you go get the food please
She knew what she was doing. I told her we broke up a few weeks ago. We haven't really talked since but we're fine.
Mattia-yea sure! Let's go y/n
He grabbed my hand picking me up
Y-oh! I'll be right back mom
I hugged her and left to the car. Driving to get the food.
Mattia stood quite the whole ride there.
Y-thank you
Mattia-for what?
Y-helping Kyle and me out with my mom. It means a lot to us
Mattia-I'm always here
He smiled
We got the food and drove back home and we ate with my mom. Talking about everything. I told her about Keyly and she said I needed to talk to her. I don't need to forgive her but I need to talk.

2 months later
I woke up around 11 am and went to check up on my mom. I walked in and she was on her bed with her eyes shut.
Y-hey mom?
I said poking her arm
Shaking her awake but nothing worked. I realized she died in her sleep. I lost my mom. I lost my best friend. I started crying and hugged her. How am I supposed to tell Kyle?
I wiped my tears and walked out her room. I heard the boys come in through the front door and Kyle come out his. They looked at me
Kyle-is mom awake?
I looked at him in the eyes not wanting to tell him
Y-n-no. Kyle she's, she's gone
I felt water drip down my cheek.
Kyle pushed me and rushed to my mom. He went beside her and shook her trying to wake her up.
Kyle-NO! Mom please. Please! Wake up!
I walked over to him
Y-Kyle she's dead! She's gone
I started crying even more
Kyle-no she's not!
The boys ran in
Y-Kyle stop! Please
Kairi-I called 911 they'll be here
He said wiping his tears away
Ale-I'm sorry guys
Kyle stood there looking down at my mom. She was so peaceful. She died peacefully. No pain.
Kyle-she's really gone
He looked at me with his eyes red
I hugged him. He's the only family I got left. God knows where my dad is. He left when me and Kyle where little.
The ambulance came and took her away. We spoke with the police officers
Officer-was she your only guardian?
Officer-are you both over 18?
Kyle-I am my sister isn't. She 16
The paramedics gave the officer a envelope with some papers in it.
He red it first
Officers-this is meant for you guys
He handed us the letter
It wrote

Hey kids,
I'm sorry I left you behind but it was time for me to go. I know that your sad but don't be I'm right her beside you. All your papers are in my closet. I've paid the house already for a year so don't worry about that. Since I'm not there to be your guardian. I've asked Mattia mother to look out for you both. You don't have to live with her but since Kyle is old enough I'm hoping he'll be your gaurdian and  Mrs. Polibio with help with other things. In my will I've left you guys money. In my retirement there will be sending you money aswell.I love you both. Tell the boys I love them too. Don't be sad. I would do anything to be with you guys. Always be together and watch out for one another. Mommy loves you both. See you soon.
Love Mom

Officer-everything checks out. Sorry for your loss
They left the house
I broke down
Kyle-I know sis.
He hugged me
Kyle-she left us some money and told us where our papers are. And your mom is our guardian. She'll be looking out for us and helping with stuff
Ale-I'm sorry guys
Kairi-were her for you
I let go of Kyle wiping my tears and running in my room changing into some clothes putting in my shoes grabbing my skateboard and leaving the house
Kairi tried running for me but Kyle stopped him
Kyle-let her go. We just lost our mom. She lost her true bestfriend.

I skated away from the house not wanting to look back. I lost her. She left me. I know Kyle is upset about this. We all had a bond with our mom. We could tell her anything and she wouldn't be mad. She I stood what we were going through. I just wish that I could've spent more time with her.

Before I knew it I was at Mattia house.
I knocked on the door and his mom answered it
Mrs.Polibio-hey sweetie is everything alright?
I stood there with my eyes watering
Y-she passed away. She gone
I was crying. She hugged me and I hugged her back.
Mrs.Polbio-I'm sorry sweetie. But I'm here to help. I know how much she meant to you. She was my best friend since high school. She meant so much to me too
I looked at her and she began to tear up aswell. They've been friends for that long.
She wiped my tears away and I seen Mattia come upstairs from his room.
He rushed over to me
Mattia-is she okay?!
Y-my mom. She died this morning
Mattias eyes watered. He grabbed me and hugged me tightly. Not letting go and I broke down again.
Y-I lost my best friend Mattia
His mom left us alone and he took me to his room. I sat on his bed wiping my tears away. I heard his little brother come in
He rushed over and hugged me
Y-hey kid
Gian-are you ok?
Y-yea. Yea I'm fine. Just something happened that hurt me really bad.
Gian-oh well I'm sorry.
Mattia-leave her alone bud.
He left the room and Mattia closed the door and sat down beside me
Y-I'm sorry I came over here
Mattia-don't be. I'm here for you y/n
He grabbed my hand. I looked in his yes and we both leaned in and kissed. I pulled away quickly
Y-sorry. I c-can't
I grabbed my board and ran out the house skating to the skatepark
I got there and there was a group of guys skating there
I didn't care and skated some more.
A boy yelled
I turned over and they waved at me. I walked over to them
???-I'm troy and these are my friends
I said hi to all of them
Y-I'm y/n
Troy-well y/n. Wanna beer
Y-oh I shouldn't
Troy-oh come on
Why not I grabbed a beer and drank it. We were all just talking  and drinking together. I drank about 5 beers and knew I couldn't skate home. I don't want to call Kyle or the boys. So I called mark

Calling Mark👑.....

M-hey y/n

Y-Mark I-I-I need help

M-are you drunk


M-where are you


M-dont move! I'll be the-
Call ended....

I hung up the phone and kept drinking till I seen a bright light and mark stepped out the car
Mark-come on y/n
He picked me up
Y-bye guys!!
I said waving at them
Mark put me in the car and drove to my house
Mark-what happened to you?!
Y-funny story! I giggled. My mom left meeeeeee
Mark-what do you mean?
Y-I mean she died!
Mark-I'm s-sorry
Y-me too.
He pulled up to my house and got out picking me up
Y-you still with Jenna?
Mark-no we broke up
Y-oh sorry
Mark-it's fine.
He knocked on the door and Kyle answered it
Kyle-what happened?!
Mark-she called me drunk. She was at the park with  own guys and she asked if I can take her home
Y-I don't feel so good.
I ran to the bathroom and threw up
Mark-sorry about your mom
Kyle nodded
Kyle-whats gotten into you y/n?
Y-my mom died Kyle.
He just looked at me and took me to my room. I fell asleep

This is pretty long. I didn't proof read this so if some grammar is off sorry.

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