Part 41

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I walked out of kyles room and into mine.
Ale-hey y/n we were just gonna put some music. You okay?
Y-yea I'm fine
Mattia-is Kyle ok?
Y-oh uh no he's not actually. Uh Vanessa?
Y-im sorry but Kyle is mad because you know your all touchy and rubbing up on him and he doesn't like you like that and he wants you to leave...
V-he didn't say that. You did. You know I've noticed you don't like me?
she said in a bitchy annoying ass voice.
I rolled my eyes
Y-yea your right I don't like you. But your my best friends girlfriend who's being touchy on my brother and I'm asking you politely to leave.
Mattia-yea she not my girlfriend sh-
Vanessa cut him off
V-he's just pretending to "date me" so he makes you jealous. And so I can get with Kyle.
She said angry
everyone open their mouths (jaw dropped)
Y-yea, I know. And sorry to say Kyle doesn't want you.
Mattia-wait what?
Y-I'll explain after she leaves. Just get her out of my house. Please
Mattia got up and told Vanessa to leave she kept pushing him and screaming "NO"
V-let go of me you asshole.
Mattia had just picked her arm up and she was being dramatic about it.
Mattia had let go of her arm and she slapped his face.
When I saw what she did I felt a rush of anger rush through my body. No one hurts any of best friends..

I ran to Vanessa socking her in the face causing her to fall down. I got on top of her punching her and she had socked me in the face and pulled my hair and got on top of me pulling my hair I got back up and continued hitting her while the boys tried to separate us

Kairi-JESUS CHRIST y/n is like a damn body lifter she strong as hell!
Ale-how the fuck! Y/n stop
Mark-I don't know what to do I'm scared she'll hit me!?

Kyle came in the room and got Vanessa and he grabbed me by the waist wrapping his arms around my waist not letting go. I tried getting out his grip but he was too strong...
Kyle had held Vanessa back

V-see I told you he still loves me.!
Y-your a physco ass bitch!
Kyle-I really don't like you at all. It was just a drunk hook up.? I just saved your ass from getting beat up by my little sister so she won't kill you!

V-she was weak. Come on.
Y-you wanna see weak?Let me go Mattia!
Mattia held me tighter
V-so your really gonna choose your dumb ass. ugly ass sister over me?!
Kyle-uhhh yea
Mattia-first off all she not DUMB or UGLY!
Ale mumbled
Mattia-you know what? Go at it y/n

Mattia let go of me and I ran to Vanessa and Kyle let go of her I swung at her one more time till she fell on the floor she was bleeding and so was I.

Y-now leave. Please I asked you politely to leave my house and you didn't listen. That gave me the right to use force so if you don't want to loose some teeth. The door is right over there.
V-crazy ass bitch
I laughed and we all watched her leave the house......

Sorry I did t upload yesterday I had a really big headache. But thank you for 3k views.

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