Chapter 12

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A/n Hey guys! If you ever need anything just message me on wattpad. If you're having a bad day and want to talk about it but have no one to talk to just hit me up! I love you all! Thanks for everything!

I walked into the Club, a dusky, dingy, dank nightclub off the beaten path. From around the corner, I could hear the somnolent buzz of the eponymous neon marlin fish out front, providing a backdrop for the clinking of glasses and drone-like chatter.
As I entered the joint, the intermingled smells of smoke and sweat and too many people instantly assaulted my nostrils as I inhaled deeply. I pushed my body through the pulsating throng. Finally finding my way to an empty seat in the corner of the reserved area, I caught Ronaldo's eye, shook my head and smiled downward.
By now, my eyes were adjusting to the imminenet darkness. Bright spots of neon beer signs on the wall stood out, illuminating the faces of the crowd, while others disappeared into the contrasting blackness.
A moment later,
I felt a pair of hands on my waist then, and jumped at the sensation. Turning quickly, my eyes locked with Ronaldo's, and there were no words that could sum up the intense wave of emotion as I looked at this man. His hands fell from my hips, and my skin bristled at the touch. The small hairs on my arms raised, despite the heat. Just as soon as I felt him, he was gone. Ronaldo slowly made his way through the dance floor, through the crowds of people like waves on a vast ocean. He wasn't quite awkward on the dance floor, but something seemed off about him. Everyone's bodies touched, like a silent dance of a mosh pit. He wore a black suit, like the rest of the guys. I got out of my seat and made my way to the dance floor. Before I could look I was swamped by people. Then out of the blue someone yanked my arm. I looked up from my mop of hair and saw it was Ronaldo. He pulled me by my waist and whispered in my ear

"Contenta de que podría hacer que mi amor."

"Shut up you flirt." I said blushing. He just shook his head and turned me around so my backside was towards him. He put both of his hands on my hips guiding me as we started grinding.

"I'm going to go grab a drink I'll be right back." I yelled over the music. After dancing for thirty minutes one can get thirsty. He nodded in reply. I walked over to bar pushing people out of my way. I order myself a drink and drunk it super quick. I pushed past people and made it back to the dance floor. When I spotted Ronaldo his back was towards me. I walked over to him but I immediately regretted it. He was grinding with another girl. Ny heart just broke into a million different pieces. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I knew that I shouldn't have listened to what my heart, but why does it matter it's not like we're dating or anything. I figured he was like every other soccer player. I'm such an idiot I thought as I pushed past the ocean of people. I made it to the reserved area, but when I grabbed my clutch I had the best idea ever. PAYBACK!

"Hey Bale. Can you help me with something?" I said

"Yeah sure what is it?" He said.

"Well Ronaldo thought it was a good idea to toy with my feelings. So I want to get revenge." I said with a smirk.

"That douche bag. So what do we do?" He asked.

"Well let's go to the dance floor and start grinding right next to him and that girl." I said. He nodded his head in reply. He took my hand and cleared a path to the dance floor. He saw Ronaldo and walked right over there grabbed my hips and started grinding. I was having so much fun I started to move my hips to the beat. I turned around and started to mess with Ronaldo some more. I stood on my tip toes and pulled Bale closer and kissed him like there was on tomorrow. He instantly started to kiss me back. The kiss got more intense as we kissed even more. I could feel eyes bore into the back of my head. Ronaldo pushed away and I smirked. Revenge is sweet bitch!

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