Chapter 16: Aang

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Cooking had never really been his strong suit.
Growing up, he had always been to busy with his studies and his meditations. The monks at the air temple always did the cooking, but never him.
After he came out of the ice, he had Sokka and Katara. Sure, Sokka's specialty was mostly meat, but Katara had really gotten good at making salads for him.
But once he started living alone, he started to at least try to cook. Him and Momo shared meals, eating together like a family. By the time he had turned eighteen, his appetite balanced out, Momo now eating more than him.
Today, he was actually trying. He had made something that he had in the earth kingdom, but he had replaced the turtle duck with tofu.
When it was time for them to eat, he called for dinner, and then continued to put their plates together. When he was done, he had heard the shuffling of another human, something he hadn't heard in a while. He smiled softly and leaned against the door frame, holding their plates in his hands.
"You must be hungry," he said with a smile in his voice, hoping that maybe he'd be able to lighten the air of tension between them. He saw a look pass over Zuko's face, something that he hadn't seen since the cave all those years ago. He could see Zuko physically flinch, and felt a sad look pass over his face as he realized so many mistakes he had made throughout his life.
And then he saw something switch.
And a man he had never met took Zuko's place.
"Yes. I want to eat. I'm going to. You don't need to point out the fucking obvious." Zuko snapped, his hands curled into fists and a scowl burned into his face. Aang could feel his heart hitting the bottom of his chest. He did not know if it was out of sadness, as the person he had once loved has disappeared into the darkness, or if it was out of fear. Fear of a man with rage in his eyes, a demon's growl in his voice, and hands that seemed to simmer in the summer air.
He didn't know whether to be silent and complacent and peaceful, like the monks had trained him to be, or to be furious and angry and powerful, like Zuko had always been.
And, for some reason, he decided on the latter.
"Fine. Eat. I won't talk to you." His anger hadn't burned as bright as he had hoped it would, his words came out more fizzled and weak.
"Fucking perfect. Sounds like a plan to me." Zuko snapped back, his voice fuelling Aang's irritation and anger.
"Listen, I know I hurt you, but I never meant to, but..." he started, but he got cut off by another angry, no, furious outburst from the fire lord.
"I thought you agreed to shut the fuck up." He snapped, walking close to Aang so that he was merely inches apart from him, and Aang could feel his breath on his face and he forgot how much taller he was and how pretty he was and fuck, his heart couldn't handle this. He swallowed, his heart hammering so damn loud that he could swear Zuko could hear it too.
"Yes, I..." He started, taking a deep breath. "I changed my mind, we need to talk about this, since we are going to be living with each other for the next while." God, he felt like he was going to puke, this was not a good feeling.
"I. Don't. Give. A. Shit." Zuko snapped, his hand coming up and grabbing the collar of his tunic, pushing him against the wall. If he had been in this exact situation, under some different circumstances, then he would have been very damn happy! But, in this circumstance, it hurt his soul. When he was about to react, he felt the plate that was in his hand disappear, and then Zuko had gone from him, and he didn't know why, but he missed the closeness.
He missed him, and now that he had him back, after six years of being apart, he was gone.
He was gone, taking the food he made away from the table and into his room.
And he was alone.
But he should have been used to it by now.
He was always alone.

Yall it's about to get real angsty!!! I've got planned 6 more days, so 12 more chapters, which is a lot, but after that I'll have an epilogue and then itll be done!!

Thank you so so much for 25.8k reads, I'm so glad you guys like it!!!

Anywho, I'm probably not gonna update until after the 23rd of april cause I have finals, but I hope yall are keeping safe and being healthy with social distancing!!


~ Dylan xo

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