hi yes annoying but this is important

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It was brought to my attention today that someone had left a comment on one of my chapters encouraging sexual assault on one of the characters from another.
I would like to put out there that anything of that sort is a) not okay and b) could be a trigger to anyone reading the comments, me included.
If you are to enjoy my writing, I wish that everyone leaves the comments as a place where nothing like this is discussed, as it is a disgusting topic and I personally have experiences with sexual assault, not to that extent, but it is still something that bothers me personally, and I know it may bother other people.

So, whomever left that comment, I am not going to out you, but please leave the comments on my work to be a safe place, otherwise I implore that you do not comment, or if you can not do that, then do not read my writing at all.

Thank you, and I'm sorry for interrupting your reading with this. I wish I didn't need to, but indeed I am disappointed with a member of my audience.

Have a great day ♡


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