Chapter 5: Zuko

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After the food had been cooked and eaten, everyone sat around the fire- their stomachs full and their hearts happy.
The moon glistened high in the sky, the crickets chirped and Apa was snoring softly. There was a sense of peace that hadn't been present in a long time, and it warmed Zuko's heart.
They sat in silence, not even the breaths of people being heard. The fire had begun to dwindle, the cool night air seeping into their bones and setting in a chill that raised the hairs on their arms.
"Zuko, fire man, my dude, please," Sokka groaned, "Put the fire back on! It's cold!"
Toph nodded in agreement, shivering violently. He sighed and stuck his hands out, willing the fire to grow.
It didn't move.
He cursed and tried again.
The fire still continued to smoke.
"Fuck!" He yelled and stood up, storming away in anger.
He could hear the chatter behind him as he stormed out of the alcove that they had made their quarters. He ran to the fire training field and started beating on the brick wall. He groaned and rested his head against the wall.
"What the fuck is wrong with me?" He whispered.
He sank down and sat with his back against the wall, a deep sadness surrounding him.
"Hey, are you okay?" He heard a quiet voice call out. Great, just what I fucking need. He thought to himself.
Aang walked foreward, a sad look on his face.
"What's wrong?" He asked, crouching down so that he was eye lever with the fire bender.
He didn't respond and just glared down at the ground.
"I- uh- I started the fire for them... so they wouldn't get cold..." Aang trailed off. The confidence and pride in his voice began to cut at Zuko's last nerve.
"We're all worried about you. You haven't been the same since the dragons," he questioned, tilting his head slightly to the left.
And with that, Zuko snapped.
"Of course I fucking haven't!" He shouted, standing up.
"Zuko, I..." Aang started.
"You don't know the problems I've been going through my whole fucking life! You don't know that most of them have been caused by you! It's you're fault I'm useless!" He took a breath, "I can't do what I'm supposed to anymore! And it's all because of you!" He punched the wall, the old dirt crumbling slightly under his fist.
Aang stared at him, wide eyed with tears beginning to form along the rims.
"I just... I can't do this anymore..." The prince sighed, the angst diffusing from his voice.
"I want to be whole again..." He rested his forehead against the wall, tears streaming down his scarred face.
Silence surrounded them- spreading throughout them like a cancer that could kill them at any second.

"And I want to help you," Aang broke the silence.


~ Dylan

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