📷⚰Just Me

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Joseph was a lightweight, despite what others would assume. His alcohol tolerance was close to none. Finishing a glass of wine would get him drunk, but at this point he was used to it and never realized it. Others would. He became much more talkative, and shared every detail of the day in an incoherent mumble of words. His filter was basically gone.

And now he was walking up to his best friend, the person he trusted the most with his troubles and past. There seemed to be zero secrets held between one another. Seemed.

Aesop was sitting on the other end of the couch Joseph had been, with Mary and Tracy in between them. The others in the room, mainly Eli and Mike, were sharing woeful stories from their "past lives" as Eli had referred to it. Tarot reading was probably something Eli shouldn't have access to, especially when around Mike's influence.

Burke and Demi, seemed to be the only sober people in the room. Either that, or they were just good at hiding their drunken state. The pair was playing a board game, along with two others. Jose seemed to be winning, having a smug look on his face, while Wujiu looked to be losing. He looked like he had had a bad day previous to their get-together.

Aesop's upright posture didn't hint that he was drunk-- well, it could. The glass in his hand was empty, and the bottle in front of him was halfway empty. Joseph sat down on the armrest, a half empty glass of wine in his hand.

Aesop turned his direction away from the intense board game on the other side of the room and towards Joseph. He titled his head when Joseph took the glass out of his hands and placed both of their unneeded cups on the coffee table in front of the couch. The coffee table was covered with tarot cards, and Mike was seemed to be organising them by color.

"Having fun?"

Aesop didn't respond. He eyes the glass, now on the table.

"Aesop, we wouldn't let anything ruin our friendship, right?"

Aesop took a while to respond, but he nodded. He was either very tired, drunk, or both.

"And we both love each other?"

Aesop looked up at Joseph. Again, he nodded.

Joseph took Aesop's hands in his own. "Best friends wouldn't find it weird to hold hands, correct?"

"Yes, but, what are you trying to say?"

"Aesop, from the bottom of my heart, I love you. More than a best friend usually would."

"Don't we already love each other? Why would it have to be "more than a best friend would"?"

Joseph pulled Aesop's hands closer to him. He could feel himself regretting this later on, but his impulses took the best of him.

"Would you like to date?! You know, so we could hold hands more often! And we would snuggle together in front of a fireplace! Yeah, then we could feed eachoth- ah wait I'm getting ahead of myself!" Joseph said, in a rather loud voice, pulling the attention of the boardgame players and the two tarot addicts. Even Tracy and Mary, who seemed to be having a great conversation about the best types of cakes, had stopped.

Aesop giggled, and his eyes showed the smile hidden beneath his mask. "Don't we already do things like that? Just the other day we shared a cake together in front of the fireplace."

"No we don't. What do you mean? You haven't done things like that with somebody else and are just confused, right?" Joseph held onto Aesop's hand tighter. He was confused, surprised, worried. After today he would never drink again.

"No it was you... Or was that.. oh that was just me then."

"Just you?"

"Okay, okay," Demi got up and pulled Aesop up to stand, making Joseph let go of his hand "you two better go somewhere private else Wujiu there will tell everyone."

The two got pushed out of the room and into he hallway. The only thing Joseph could hear was the ticking of a grandfather clock.

"About what you said. What did you mean?"

"About what? Oh, that thing." Aesop reached out to grab Joseph's hand, which he had to let go of earlier. "Don't we already do this?"


"Or did you mean you want to kiss? Because I've wanted to do that."

Oh, wow. Joseph was shocked. He stood there, and watched as Aesop pulled his mask down, and pulled Joseph closer. Joseph could smell the alcohol on him as Aesop kissed his cheek.

"Well, good night, Joseph."

Aesop walked away towards the staircase. His posture still as tall as ever, but he tripped over his own two feet.

Once Aesop left Joseph's sight, Joseph realized Aesop had gone up to the Hunters' residence.


[Word count: 805]
[Completion Date: 04/09/2020]

Mmm the lack of content is due to planning a longer story than usual (definitely not writers block haha)

Anyways I feel like I should go through some heavy editing, so maybe some chapters will go down while I'm doing that. Most newer and shorter stories will stay up, but I just want to get rid of A/Ns and typos

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