Chapter 21

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Alpha 21

AN: not to proud of the chapter. I don't like it much, but I tried to reword it and I just couldn't. Sorry it's horrible. Watching Twilight Breaking Dawn Pt.2. While typing! I love Twilight!

Jack flew straight to Rome in a panic. He flew at break neck speed. He flew to the colosseum and dropped in through the secret entrance into the assassin's underground hide out. The entrance had been hidden so well that no one has found it in the 600 years it's been in use. The assassin easily navigated through the maze of ancient tunnels. Not many people were around at such a late hour.

The winter god spotted a face he knew walking towards him. "Frost? What are you doing here at this hour?" Shaun Hastings asked. He had red hair and wore a grey wool sweater and dark grey trousers with black loafers.

"Hey Shaun. No time. Listen I need your help finding my daughter and Jamie Bennett." Jack said quickly. He was fiddling with one of his throwing knifes out of habit.

"Of course, but why?" Shaun asked. He waved for Jack to follow. He led the master assassin down the hallway. "I understand Amelia, but why the other kid?"

"They were taken by the Templars." Jack snarled in distaste. Then sighed. "Jamie was my first believer outside of the assassins."

Shaun led Jack into one of the many offices. This one contained an animus and a couple of computer monitors connecting to one CPU. Beside the animus, sitting on one of the storage crates sat a young woman. She had short black hair and wore a black vest with a dark grey sweater underneath. She had black pants and headphones around her neck.

"Yo, snow-cone! What's happening?" She asked hopping off her crate.

"His daughter and friend were kidnapped. So not the best timing Rebecca." Shaun said in his normal snarky British accent. He sat down at the computer desk and started tying. "Question, do you know the location of any of the pieces of Eden?"

"Yes. Why?" Jack said. "If you want to know where they are I can't tell you."

"No. I asked because the Templars are looking for them and your memories are stored inside Amelia's DNA. They're most likely looking for them in your memories." Shaun's explained. "When was Amelia born?"

"She's 157." Jack said. He was still playing with the knife.

"She'll only have your memories up in till 1857." Shaun muttered. "Assuming the pieces of Eden have been moved since then, the Templars won't have anything to go on."

"All of them have been moved in the last 30 years. She wasn't with me either." Jack sighed. Rebecca put a hand on Jack's shoulder. After a few minutes of waiting the winter spirit was starting to get restless. "Have you found anything yet?"

"No. We'll have to go straight to the source. Good thing we still work undercover." Shaun said matter of factly.

"Don't worry Jack, we'll find them." Rebecca said calmly. She pulled a cell phone out of the desk drawer and handed it to him. "Take this." She said. "If we find anything, we'll call."

Jack nodded and walked out of the room. He flew back down the hall way and out the entrance he came in. The assassin flew for New York.

-"We work in the dark to serve the light, we are Assassins. Nothing is true, everything is permitted."-

AN: Back to the memories. Jamie's Pov again.

Jamie blinked as the scene changed. Now they were over a lake. Connor and another man were in a wooden row boat with Jack floating close by. The Frost spirit was wearing the same outfit as Connor with a few changes in colour. They were pure white with light blue trim.

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