Chapter 4

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AN: Sorry guys I had exams! Gods I hate those things. Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes!

Oh one more thing *= Frost giant

Jack skidded to a stop, nails scraping on the golden floor of the bifrost dome.

"Cutting it a little close?" Heimdall asked. Jack nodded and shook his fur, snow fell from it. "You should see what your daughter got your brothers and the avengers to wear."

"I think I will." He said as he shifted. The assassin picked up his weapons and strolled out of the dome towards the castle. Jack easily found his daughter and friends from the hoots of laughter coming from the main throne room. He walked in to find his mother, Amelia and Natasha rolling on the floor laughing while Odin, his brothers and the avengers skipped around in dresses. Each dress fit the wearer's personality in some way, except for Thor. Jack crept closer to where the girls were and poked Amelia.

"Daddy!" She jumped up and pointed at the men. "Do you have a camera?"

Jack shook his head. "Sorry honey, I still haven't managed to get one."

"Jokul, your daughter is evil!" Odin said giving him an annoyed stare.

"Sorry dad, but she is your granddaughter." Jack laughed.

"Mmm Odin you look ravishing." Frigga laughed.

"Thanks." Odin snapped.

"Okay boys, back to work!" Natasha said clapping her hands together.

"Work?" Frigga asked.

"Just an expression." She said. "I think everyone was tired of seeing men in dresses."

"I agree." Jack said. The men walked off into the dressing rooms. "Where did you get all those dresses? And more importantly, where did you get one to fit Thor?"

"It's magic!" Amelia rolled her eyes like it was obvious. The men walked out of the change rooms in their normal clothing all with scowls on their faces.

"We are never talking about that again." Tony hissed. Everyone nodded except Amelia.

"You brought the rest of your weapons?" Loki asked spotting the bundle.

Jack nodded. "I'm out of practice."

"Yeah right! That's what you said about your bow and arrow aim!" Clint grumbled. Jack laughed.

"We could help fix that." Loki said.

"Yay!" Thor said. He started randomly running ahead of the group.

Loki leaned over to Jack. "*I think Amelia has him under a spell.*" He said in frost giant.

Jack shrugged. "*You never know, but I doubt it.*" The assassin responded. The god of winter held his daughters hand as they walked to the training ring.

"What happened on earth?" She asked.

"The Burgess pack was attacked by a nightmare." Jack said shaking his head.

"Was anyone hurt?" Loki asked. Jack shook his head. "What about the Guardians?"

"No kids where hurt, so it's not their business." Jack said dismissively.

"What is a guardian?" Natasha asked.

"Guardians protect children from Pitch, his nightmares and any other threat. Last year he tried to take over the world, again and Manny called me in to help." Jack explained.

"How did Shield not know about that?" Steve asked.

"Well, probably because they don't believe in fairy tales." Jack said sarcastically.

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