Chapter 15

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Alpha 15

AN:  Ugh I was baking cookies and I decided to taste the vanilla extract.   I thought since it smelled so good, it would taste good too.  Boy I was wrong!  Also watched the fault in our stars while typing.  SOOOO SAD!  Then I finished that and watched HTTYD 2 and Lucy!  Online!!!!!!!

“So have you figured out anything yet?”  Bunny asked.  He was starting to get bored.

Tony yawned and sat up. “The communication lines to the central control room were cut.  Therefore they never got the memo that the mares hand broke in.”   

“Pitch must have known where every yeti was at that exact second to pull something like this off even with the com. Lines being cut.”  Tooth said.  North nodded in agreement.

“The yetis didn’t go down without a fight.” Bruce said.  He pointed over to some toppled boxes and deep scratch marks on the walls and floor. 

“My yetis would fight back!”  North said.  “The elves on the other hand, I’m not so sure.”

“Your defenses have been boosted and the communication lines fixed, but I think it will still need a live patrolling fore for a place so large.”  Tony said.

“I think I can help with that.”  Jack said. Amelia looked up from racing the remote car and smiled.

“No, oh no!”  Bunny exclaimed.  “You are not calling wolves here!”

“Actually that’s a great idea.”  North said.  “Wolves can live here and stay safe.”

“I agree.  The packs could be next if we don’t keep them safe.”  Loki said.

“Aright then it’s settled.”  North said.  Jack immediately sent a message out to the alphas to start heading to the pole.  “How do we contact them?”

“All ready done.”  Jack said.  “They’re on their way.”

“Already?  We have no time to prepare!”  North complained.

“North, they don’t really care about the mess.  As long as they’re with each other and the mothers and pups are okay.”  Jack said.  The moment he said it Jack realized it sounded so cliché.  “The first pack will be arriving in less than 30 minutes.”

“Loki, haw did you get out of that prison cell on Asgard?”  Clint suddenly burst out.

Loki looked stunned.  “Um I, umm…”  He shuddered.  “Thor?”

  “He is under my guard and will not do anything wrong.”  Thor said firmly.  None of the Avengers objected, “How long will it take the packs from overseas to get here?”

“Heimdall noticed the movement and is opening portals as we speak.”  The winter god informed.

“How do you know all this?”  Banner asked.

Jack tapped his head.  “I have a mental connection with them.”

“All of them?”  Bunny asked.

“No just the alphas.  Then the alphas have a connection with their pack.”  Jack explained.  A howl rose from outside.  “The fist pack is here and in record time.”  The winter spirit said with a smile.  He got up from his chair and started to walk to the front door.  Jamie and Amelia got up to follow him.

“Jamie, wait!”  North called.  The brown haired boy stopped and looked back.  North held up a snow suit and Jamie ran and quickly put it on before catching up to Jack and his daughter.   

The winter wolf shifted and walked into the packs.  Many of them were already there and more were coming through the portal.  Jack looked over the shoulder to see Amelia pull Jamie over to the pups.  She started to introduce every one of them to him.  The white wolf padded to the center of the packs the alphas started to gather around him. 

“Jack, why have you called us here?” One of the Hungarian alphas asked.

“We are here because there was an attack on the guardian’s helpers.” The white wolf said loud enough for all to hear.  “The packs could have been next, but North has asked us to help guard his home.  In return he offers you a safe place to stay for the time being.”

The alphas nodded.  Jack didn’t like how they were separated so much.  None of the adults mixed together like the younger teens and pups did.  Today was the first time in 150 years since all the pack had gathered together in one place.  The alpha hoped that there would be no fights. Jack was knocked out of this thoughts when a young wolf shouted:  “Hey is that a giant rabbit?”    


AN:  I know its short, but I didn’t have much time…  I think I am about half way through my plan for this story.  Then I have two ideas for what I might write next.  I’m not sure which one I’m going to do yet, I’ll decide later


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