Chapter 16

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IMPORTANT AN: Okay guys and gals so the Everest alpha Isis, her name is going to be changed to Elsa for now, but please suggest names you like in the comments . I will go back into earlier chapters and change it when I decide on a new name. The terrorist group ISIS could have been the one to attack Parliament Hill and hurt the soldiers in Quebec and Vancouver in Canada, my home country. I don't want to associate her with them.

"Is that a giant rabbit?"

Jack looked over to the young wolf. "Yep."

"Can we eat it?" The young red furred wolf asked. His tail flicked back and forth as he stared at the rabbit.

"No!" The black spotted wolf yelped jumping forwards. Her name popped into Jacks head. Her name was Galaxy. "That's the Easter Bunny!" She looked over to Jack. Her purple eyes had a mischief glint in them. "Could we chase him around?"

Jack smirked. "Why not? But don't hurt him." He said. "Wait for my signal." The winter wolf barked as he shifted. Jack walked up to the guardians and avengers. Amelia and Jamie were still playing with the pups. He saw the two young wolves stalking closer to where Bunny was standing.

"What did they say?" North asked.

"They'll do it." Jack smiled.

Ipsum, the new Russian alpha walked up to Jack. "Where are we allowed to stay?" The younger alpha asked.

"где бы вы чувствовали себя комфортно." Jack said in Russian. The wolf nodded and went back to his pack.

North blinked. "You speak Russian?" He stuttered in surprise.

"Yep!" Jack smirked. "I speak almost every language on the planet."

"That's amazing." Banner said. "When did you have enough time to do that?"

"300 years is more than enough time." Jack said. "Plus a lot of them have close to the same pronunciation for one word."

"How wolves many are there exactly?" Bunny asked looking over the wolves.

"A lot." Jack answered. "I've never counted them all, but maybe 120,000 and growing."

"That's a lot of wolves." Bunny muttered.

"True, but they are scattered all across the globe and rarely meet in this large of a group." Jack said.

"Are you sure they'll all fit into the pole?" Tony asked.

North nodded. "The pole is much larger than it looks."

Jack subtly wave his hand. The two young wolves jumped forward at Bunny. The guardian of hope yelped and took off running. The red wolf and Galaxy were hot on his heels.

"Jack stop them!" Tooth squealed.

Jack shrugged. "He's alright. They're not going to hurt him." Tooth opened her mouth to say something, but Jack cut her off. "Tooth, you worry too much."

"I know it's just, never mind." She let out a long sigh.

"Back to the wolves, do they still breed like normal wolves?" Tony asked.

"Normal wolves?" Jack raised an eyebrow. "I guess so, but there are no normal wolves. They're all winter."

"Get these dingoes off my tail!" Bunny yelled. He kept running for a few more strides. Then he flopped on his side and rolled onto his back. Bunny was playing dead. The red wolf sniffed him and stepped away. He had lost interest. Galaxy on the other had jumped on top of Bunny and started to lick his face. "Aww, yuck!" Bunny tried to push the wolf off, but was unable.

"Galaxy, you know that doesn't wash out easily." Jack yelled over to the purple eyed wolf. She hopped off Bunny. The guardian of hope stood up and looked at his fur. Jack smirked and sent a freezing wind Bunny's way and froze the wolf's slobber.

"Dam it." Bunny sighed. Galaxy barked a laugh. "I'm going to take a nice hot shower." He grumbled.

"I don't know about you, but I'm going to hit the hay." Clint said. Sandy floated with two thumbs up.

"I'll show you to your rooms." North said. The group of adults walked into the pole followed by the massive pack of wolves. Amelia and Jamie started to run after them, but was stopped by Jack.

"Where do you think you're going?" The winter god asked. Jamie blinked. "Sorry Jamie, but I got to get you home to your parents before they notice you're gone."

"Aww, but dad." Amelia whined. She gave him the puppy eyes. "Could we have a sleep over?"

"Sorry kiddo. You know those don't work on me." Jack smirked. "Maybe another time."

"Yay!" They both cheered.

"Time to go home." Jack said. He bent down so Jamie could climb onto his back. "Make sure the wolves find good places to sleep and watch out for fights." He said to Amelia once Jamie was on his back. The girl nodded and ran into the pole. "Ready?" Jack asked. Jamie nodded. The winter assassin took off into the sky.

Jack flew low to the ground. He didn't want to fly any higher because of the thin air that would affect Jamie. He didn't want the boy to pass out.

The wind blew them into Burgess were it was early in the morning. Jamie yawned. "Looks like you'll be sleeping in." Jack hummed. The brown haired boy nodded.

The snow was already starting to melt. Without the wolves the temperatures would rise to above seasonal. Jack flicked his wrist and a small blizzard started to form over head. He'd have it snow lightly for a couple of days before disappearing. He would have to come back. Not like that would bother him.

Jack opened the window to Jamie's room and flew in. He set the boy doe on his bed. "Jamie?" He asked as the boy got under his sheets still in the heavy snowsuit.

"What?" He grumbled.

"Could Amelia say here for a few days soon?" The assassin asked.

"Of course." Jamie smiled tiredly. "Don't even have to ask mom". He sighed before falling asleep.

"Thanks Jamie." Jack whispered and he tucked the boy in. He decided to check on Sophie while he was there. The winter spirit crept down the hall avoiding Jamie's mom as she stumble sleepily by. He pushed the door to Sophie's room open. The little egg that was sitting on her bed side table chirped in surprise. Then it realized it was only Jack and calmed down. The assassin waved and looked over the sleeping girl. She had a dream about eggs, bunnies in two-two's and carrots dancing over her head. Jack smiled.

Footsteps came from behind him, but realized it was only Sophie's mom. Jack ducked out the window and flew towards the pole spreading snow and dropping temperatures as he went.

AN: Please vote on Isis's new name! Oh and next chapter has a bit of a question round in it. So if you guys have any question now would be a good time to ask. They might be answered in the next chapter or by me ASAP.

Sorry I took so long to update!

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