Chapter 3

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AN:  Not much to say, but you guys are amazing!!!!  Oh and I remembered my Howrse password!  If you have howrse feel free to PM me.  My username is kianaleader.

“Thanks Heimdall!”  Jack called as he jumped into the bifrost.  He was blinded by the bright lights and when his vision cleared Jack was standing on his frozen pond.  The assassin cursed as he spotted golden sand out of the corner of his eye.  Jack dived into the trees and hid behind one, shrinking his staff at the same time.

The Sandman flew over head spreading dreams and searching for the white haired boy with sharp golden eyes.  Jack didn’t dare move or make a sound.  Sandy stayed for a while before moving on to the north.  Jack sighed in relief.  He didn’t want to be found just yet.  He had work to be done and he didn’t want the Guardians to mess him up.  If Sandy was looking; so would the others.  The assassin would have to be careful.

Jack turned, shifted and padded into the forest towards the Burgess Packs den.  Their Alpha, Sicarius was the first to alert him to the danger and the other alphas quickly followed.  The white wolf arrived outside of the den.  It was perfect for a pack to live in, small tunnel entrance not big enough for a adult human to fit through that opened up into a huge cave which had a small stream running through it.  The stream never froze, ever not even in the dead of winter.

The white wolf squeezed through the tunnel into the main cavern to find the pack gathered in a circle waiting for him.  “Hello Sicarius.”  Jack said sitting in the spot the wolves left across from the alpha. 

"Jack."  The golden wolf dipped his head.  "The hunting parties and patrols have been seeing shadows of horses for some time, but today they saw a nightmare horse.  It attacked us; luckily no one was hurt too badly."

"Keep the pack inside.  Don't go out unless you need to and always take someone with you.  Never go out alone."  Jack said sternly.  He looked around the circle of wolves to make sure they understood.  A young pup poked Sicarius's shoulder with his nose.

"Daddy?  Who's that?"  The green eyed pup whispered looking at Jack.

Sicarius looked down at the cream colored pup.  "That's my boss."

"But you’re the alpha!"

"Yes, but that's the alphas, alpha."  Sicarius laughed as the pup stared up at him with wide green eyes. 

"We'll I better go.  I got glaciers to move and packs to run."  Jack said.  He turned and walked out the exit tunnel back into the forest.  The white wolf decided to sneak into the pole to get the rest of his weapons.  If Pitch was really back and all the packs seeing nightmare horses weren’t just a coincident, he would need his weapons to keep the packs and children safe.

---Time skip! ---

Jack lied down in the pure white snow.  His fur camouflaging perfectly; only his blue eyes and black nose there visible.  The assassin was on a cliff overlooking the pole.  Below yetis patrolled around the base and on the ice paths surrounding the pole.  The windows were locked tight with alarms, all except one.  The skylight Jack always flew through. 

The winter spirit found it a long time ago when he stole a toy for Amelia and North never noticed the week point.  There were other reasons why he was on the naughtily list.

Jack shifted and flew straight up into the thick snow clouds surrounding the pole.  He decided to keep his staff in its charm form to keep it from hindering him.  Jack pulled his hood up hiding his face in shadow.  It wouldn't matter if someone saw him with his hood up, they would know who it was, but it was better than his white hair in the shadows when he was hiding. 

As soon as he was over the skylight he dropped down and swung the window open and silently hopped into the rafters.  The assassin didn't have to worry about shadows since it was night and he was above the light fixtures.

The hooded teen crept through the rafters not making a sound.  He peaked over the beam hearing a commotion below. 

A giant 6 foot rabbit hopped through the door and ran straight over to the fire place to warm his feet.  Jack rolled his eyes and kept jumping through the rafters to his room on the north side of the pole.

The rafters weren't hard to climb through the problem was leaving a scent.  There was no way to avoid it.  The assassin didn't want to leave and obvious traces behind. 

The spirit of winter finally reached his room and gently pushed the door open before creeping in.


AN:  With avengers and Amelia.

"Wear this one!"  Amelia giggled as she pick out a light pink dress for Thor to wear.  The dress was a frilly ball gown with poofy shoulder ruffles the size of soccer balls.  It was a miracle that Amelia could find a dress big enough to fit Thor.  Tony laughed as Thor took the dress from his niece.

"What?  Tough guys wear pink."  Thor said as he walked to the change rooms.   

"Oh so manly!"  Tony laughed.  Thor smirked as Amelia walked up to Tony.  She smiled sweetly and gave him the puppy dog eyes.  Tony smiled softly falling into her trap.

"Mr. Tony?"  She asked.  Blue eyes wide and innocent.  "Would you wear this?  Please?"

"Sure sweetheart."  He said gently taking the knee length golden dress from her and following Thor to the dressing rooms.

"How did you do that?"  Natasha asked in amazement watching the billionaire playboy follow Thor with his dress.  It was almost like the man was hypnotized.

"Puppy eyes."  She answered.  "They work on everyone, except dad."

"Even Odin?"  Banner asked.  Amelia nodded.  "I wonder if they would work on Fury?"

"Definitely."  Loki said. 

Thor came prancing out of the change room and started skipping around.

"Someone bring out the fairy wings!"  Clint laughed.  Tony shyly followed.  Amelia laughed watching the grown skipping around in dresses.  They were lucky she didn't make them wear high heels.


Jack walked straight over to his dresser witch held nothing but a few hoodies and a pair of skater shoes he never wore.  Then there was the hidden compartment; it was hidden with an illusion that Loki helped him cast.  Inside were all his weapons.  He grabbed the hidden handled and pulled it open.  Jack pulled out his robes and places them on the floor in such a way they could be folded into a bundle.  The he grabbed his second hidden blade and throwing knifes and placed them carefully together.  Next he grabbed his dagger, two cutlasses and bow and sheath of arrows.  Last but not least his pair of worn leather knee high boots.  They were the only pair of shoes he would wear without a fight.

Each blade was one of a kind; with frost etched into the metal by his best friend and mentor, Ratonhnhaké:ton or better known a Conner.  The master assassin taught him all about the people of earth and in return Jack helped him with missions and still followed the creed.  Jack still helped out the modern day assassins and had been offered the position of mentor more than once. 

The winter god was surprised when Conner approached him all those years ago.  The native explained that he believed in Gohone, the spirit of winter in his tribe’s mythology.

The assassins head snapped up as he heard footsteps barreling towards him.  He didn't stick around long enough to see who it was.  The winter god jumped out the window, not even pausing to close it.


"Jack?"  Bunny mumbled interrupting North.  The Christmas spirit raised an eyebrow at the rabbit tasting the air.  In a flash Bunny was gone running down the hall.  He slammed Jack's bedroom door open.  Something blue dived out the window.  The guardian of hope ran over.  Jack was falling.  The boy had something in his hands that wasn't his staff.  Bunny panicked.  He thought Frostbite couldn't fly without it. 

Bunny hopped down a tunnel and appeared under where Jack would land.  The rabbit looked up, but the boy was nowhere to be seen.  Bunny spun around confused.  He caught another flash of blue and chased after it.  Snow blocked his vision.

"Frost!"  Bunny yelled over the wind.  He ran towards where he last saw Jack.


"Crap."  Jack spat.  Bunny was following him.  The wind kicked snow up covering him as he shifted.  The wolf picked up his weapons bundle and ran.


The guardian of hope spotted a silhouette among the snow.  He pushed through the howling wind.  The wind lessened and Bunny could just make out a wolf.  He strained to see the pure white animal in the snow.  The guardian didn't know why, but he followed the predator.

Another gust of wind blew snow into his face, he blink and the wolf was gone.  "Was that?"  Bunny shook his head.  "No..."  He trudged through the snow back to the pole.

AN:  This took FOREVER to type!  And I have a lot of bad excuses- Minecraft, inception, the avengers, learning to drive, bolt, cars, R.E.D. French exams and a lot of culminating projects.  Ugh.  The chapters will take longer to come out now, but in the summer they will come out sooner, hopefully.

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