Chapter 23

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I woke up the next morning with the scent of bacon and eggs wafting into my nose. I squinted my eyes open, since there was no need to go back to sleep. As if she read my mind, Rachel stepped into my room, banging on a pan with a spoon. "Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!" she exclaimed. I fully opened my tired eyes and sat up.

I threw on some clothes and stretched my muscles. The frightening experience of yesterday lingered in my thoughts.

I walked into the kitchen nook of the hotel room, and saw that Rachel's parents were already eating breakfast. I sat in the empty chair in front of me, and poured myself a glass of milk. I took a sip. I could feel the cold liquid travel down my throat. I dug into the delicious breakfast, no matter how ordinary it was. Bacon and eggs are amazing.

I finished and wiped the grease off of my face. I thanked Rachel's parents and then proceeded to the bathroom so I could brush my teeth.

We were going to Big Ben today, which I expect to be pretty cool. I thought about Thomas the entire time.

After we were finished at Big Ben, Rachel's parents followed Rachel and I to every shop we checked out, which is understandable considering I was almost kidnapped by a psychopath. We came across this really cute boutique and found pieces of clothing that caught our eyes.

"Look at how cute that is!" Rachel said, pointing to a blue blouse with laced sleeves. I nodded in agreement. Rachel examined it a little more, and spoke again. "We should buy it. It's only.." she squinted her eyes while looking at the price tag, "21 pounds! So that's about 32 US dollars?" I nodded again.

We proceeded to the check out line and then exited the store. On the way out, I bumped into a person. I looked up and saw that it was Thomas, smiling. His girlfriend was holding onto his arm. "Well, it's very nice to see you while you're all on holiday. Would you girls like to grab some tea?" Thomas said, looking between us all. Rachel and I looked back at her parents, to see if they approved. They nodded and let us, seemingly because Thomas was with us now.

We walked on down the street, Thomas huddled very close to me. Bella's arm just barely clinged to his. That same guilty feeling raged on throughout my body. I slowed down a bit and walked with Rachel, who was following behind. Things were different between Thomas and I now. Now that he has a different girlfriend, any caring gesture from him feels wrong for some reason.

We walked into a fairly large coffee shop, the beautiful coffee aroma making my mouth water.

We huddled ourselves into a booth, Rachel sitting beside me, Thomas and Bella sitting on the opposite side of us. I nervously stared out the window, after realizing the awkwardness of the situation. "So.." Thomas said slowly. I plastered on a fake smile and replied, "So how's life?" I'd hoped I didn't betray how annoyed I was through my tone. The irritation of Thomas not texting/calling me for the past five years was starting to annoy me.

Thomas nodded slowly, then leaned back in the booth. "Alright." Silence settled over the four of us. The question burned into my mind, and I couldn't let it haunt me anymore. My heartbeat quickened. "Why hadn't you called or texted me those past five years?"

A sudden burst of shock appeared on Thomas's face. He hadn't expected that question. "Well.." he began.

I quickly cut him off, the pain of me waiting hours a day for his reply came flowing back. Tears began to form in my eyes. "Do you know how long I've waited a day for you to text back? I thought something horrible happened to you!" my volume grew louder. Rachel and Bella watched the event, their eyes wide in horror. Thomas got up from his seat, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Calm down, Brooke, ple-"

I interrupted him again, getting up from my seat, shaking my shoulder to get his hand away. "Or were you too busy with Bella?" I spat, tears falling down my cheeks. Thomas retreated into his side of the booth, a look of horror on his face. I sat back down in my seat. My tears fell onto the table.

Thomas looked between Rachel and Bella, then spoke with a serious tone. "Could you two girls give us a minute?" My head was facing the table, but I could see the girls nod and walk away through my peripheral vision. Thomas squeezed my hand. "Brooke," he said softly. I wiped away a few of my tears with my free hand. "I'm sorry," I said.

"No, I'm sorry. I should have called or texted you as soon as I got back to London. But a bunch of bloody things happened, and I got caught up in the midst of all of it," he replied. I figured it was time to get everything of off my chest. I looked up at Thomas, and exhaled. "When I saw you with Bella, I was jealous. And I tried to be good about it, but I miss being your girlfriend," I laughed at how childish I sounded, and continued. "I know I sound completely ridiculous, but I can't help it. And I need to understand that things change."

Thomas half-smiled. "I've missed you too," he held his hand up to my face, and continued, "You're an amazing girl, Brooke." I grabbed onto his hand, smiling like a fool. I felt so much better getting those things off my chest. I decided it was time to be a supportive friend. "I'm happy for you and Bella."

We eventually all left the shop, myself feeling better. "You patch it up with Thomas?" Rachel asked as we got back to our hotel. I smiled and nodded.
A couple days later, we packed up and left England. Boy, was it good to be home. Turns out my dad got to be released from prison. We patched things up, and we felt like a family again. I entered my house one night when I suddenly got a text from Thomas. It read:

You home safe and sound?


A couple minutes later, I got a text back:

You better come visit me in England again soon.. It's so boring here without you.

Or you could come to the US?

If I do, would you give me a kiss? ;)

What, you broke up with Bella already?

Our conversation stopped for a few minutes, but then sprung back to life:

..No. But I haven't had one in a while. What do ya say? ;)

Oh, that Thomas Sangster. I smiled, then typed back:

Maybe :)


update- 12/23/14


so that's the end of MAYBE a tbs fanfic :) this story has been quite the adventure, and I just wanna thank all of my readers! you favorite and comment on my chapters. without you guys, this story wouldn't have gotten this far. thank you all again! you guys are amazing :)

ps, there might be a sequel in the future stay tuned! :)


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