Chapter 4

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I got home and immediately pulled out my phone. I reached for the paper in my pocket that had Thomas' phone number.

But it was gone.

I nervously patted myself down. I must've lost it in my brothers car. I ran out the front door of our house, but I was too late.

My brother was already pulling out of our driveway. Probably off to his new job. I sighed and sunk into the living room couch. Then I heard the click-clacking of nails on our floor. My dog, Buster, jumped up on my lap and showered me with kisses.

"Hey, buddy," I said, petting him.

I looked outside. It seemed fairly nice. The sun was shining brighter than ever.

I faced Buster and exclaimed, "Wanna go outside?"

Buster's tail immediately started wagging and I got up and walked over to our back door.

I unlocked it and ran outside with my dog, running at my side. I grabbed a stick and threw it past him. He soared after it as soon as it left my hand. He caught it perfectly in the air, then started running back. But instead of dropping it in my hands like a good dog, he instead jumped on me, knocking me to the grass.

Instead of being angry, I started laughing. Really loud. My dog licked my face, his tail wagging a mile a minute.

"Didn't know you were an animal tamer?" a familiar British voice said.

Fighting my dogs kisses, I turned my head towards the gate in my backyard to see a smiling Thomas standing there.

I carefully pushed my dog off and stood up. After I regained my composure, I speed walked towards Thomas.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I said, huffing in and out.

"Was just walking home when I saw a familiar girl look like she was being attacked by a bear." Thomas answered, that same adorable smile on his face.

I grinned, "In my backyard?"

Thomas shrugged, and before he could say anything else, I remembered him and Megan at the end of the school day.

"What were you and Megan up to, anyway?"

"Oh, we were just getting additional help for a health project," he then regretfully sighed, "I'm partners with her. And she doesn't do a bloody thing!"

I looked around, a little confused, and answered, "Then why are you partners with her?"

"I don't know, she seemed alright at first. But after a little time with her in class, I've learnt that she isn't the greatest person to work with," he shrugged and went on, "But if you were in my class, I definitely would've wanted you as my partner."

For some reason this made me blush. But I turned around and pet my dog before he could see it.

I turned back around after my blushing cheeks disappeared, and Thomas let out an exhausted sigh, "Well, I'd better get going," he then lifted up my hand and kissed it, as if I were a princess, "It was a pleasure meeting you today."

I giggled, my face blushing so much. "We'll see each other tomorrow, though."

He winked at me and then let go of my hand.

Joyous emotions flowing inside of me, all I could do was wave back to him as he walked away and down the sidewalk.

I let out a little shriek and decided that it was time to go back inside.

I slammed my books down on my desk and decided it was time to get cracking on my homework.

Maybe (A Thomas Brodie-Sangster fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now