Chapter 21

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"We need to go," I whispered to Rachel, jabbing her in the spleen with my elbow. She looked at me with a confused expression, but then quickly caught on when she noticed Thomas and Isabella kissing. She was about to say something when I covered her mouth, the only sound she made being muffled. Thankfully, Thomas was preoccupied and didn't see us. I didn't want him to see me. My heart throbbed with pain, and I almost let myself cry.

I glared back at Rachel, desperately trying to send my urgent message to leave through my eyes. She nodded and got up to leave, when I noticed a pair of eyes staring at me. Oh god, please don't be Thomas, I thought to myself. I refused to check and quickly got up to leave. Rachel relayed the message to her parents, and they whispered something back to her, but remained seated. I was almost out of the door, when I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I unwillingly turned around to be face to face with Thomas Sangster. Chills ran down my spine. He looked absolutely gorgeous. The thought of him being with another girl stabbed at my insides.

"Brooke?" Thomas asked in awe. All I could do was put on a fake smile and nod. Thomas smiled back and pulled me into a quick hug, which was not what I expected. Guilt gnawed at me as I watched his girlfriend, Isabella, watch us. I know if I was in her position, I would not like another girl hugging him. But maybe that's just my jealous nature talking.

I pulled out of our hug, even though I didn't really want to. "It's so nice to see you again," Thomas said, that signature smile on his face. "You too," I smiled back.

Rachel watched us converse from behind me. I desperately hoped she would intervene, considering the awkwardness of the situation. Thomas noticed I was staring at Isabella that leaned against the counter behind him, and decided to introduce us to each other, even though it wasn't necessary at this point.

"Brooke, this is Isabella, or you can call her Bella for short," he announced, motioning towards the orange-haired girl. "Bella, this is Brooke, a friend of mine from when I moved to America." She waved and smiled, myself doing the same.

Thomas turned back towards me and Rachel who stood behind me, "How about we all go out for coffee one day? Talk a little? Earn back those missed years?" I smiled and nodded.

Thomas smiled again, his arms now outstretched. "Well, again, it was very nice seeing you."

We hugged one last time when Thomas spoke again, "If there's anything you need, just let me know." I nodded once more, and Rachel and I left the shop, even though the reason I wanted to in the first place was because I didn't want to get stuck in an awkward conversation with Thomas. Mission accomplished.

"So, what do you want to do now?" Rachel asked as she walked with me, side by side. I shrugged, "Not sure. You got any ideas?" Asking that was a big mistake. She flashed a giant smile and dragged me behind her into a giant shopping complex.

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