Chapter 5

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Finally, it's Friday. The past couple days of school went by fast. We had a pop-quiz in algebra on Tuesday and Thomas totally flunked it. But I'm sure Mr. Irwin isn't going to actually take it as a grade. Thomas did just transfer here Monday.

Let's see, Wednesday was pretty much normal. Except for that Megan broke up with her boyfriend. It was hilarious. She practically dumped him in front of everyone in history. He was so embarrassed. Now he knows what it feels like to be publicly humiliated.

Thursday was pretty normal also, except Megan seemed totally fine about dumping her boyfriend of 2 weeks. Which is no surprise. I knew it'd never last. Plus, it's so easy for her to get a new boyfriend. Any guy that's dumb enough to fall for her 'charm' will go out with her.

Thursday I also introduced Rachel to Thomas, and then we all went to lunch.

So here we are, Friday. I finally got Thomas' phone number, too. His text message is the first thing I saw this morning:

Good morning beautiful :-)

Good morning :)

True, I've only known Thomas since Monday, but I feel like I've known him forever.

Then I got a text from Rachel:

Hey, today is fancy Friday!! Dress FaNCy!!

Fortunately, I set an alarm last night so now I have extra time to get fixed up for school since it IS Fancy Friday. Why not?

I wore a black skirt and a white top with laced floral patterns, and a black scarf that had a little shimmer to it. I also put on a little mascara. And to wrap up the outfit, I put on some black flats.

I brushed my hair and put a little black bow in it.

I smiled in the mirror, then grabbed my book bag and headed out the door.

When I got to school, Rachel nodded at me in approval, "Cute outfit!"

"Haha thanks. I love your shirt."

She looked down at her own shirt. "Thank ya very much, I got it at Forever21."


I put my things in my locker and got my things for history. I could see Logan staring at me from afar out of the corner of my eye.

Of course now he notices me when I'm dressed nice, I thought to myself.

I packed my things up and started heading towards history. I saw Thomas talking to another boy that I didn't know very well. Thomas turned around, and his eyes grew wide.

"You look stunning," he said.

"Thanks," I said smiling a little.

Thomas and I were the only two out of our seats, catching the attention of everyone in the class. I could feel Megan giving me the death glare. Some girls probably hate me because I have such a close bond with Thomas. If they don't, then they sure are good actresses. Almost every day I get evil glares from the same group of girls. They also refuse to talk to me. But I could honestly care less.

Finally, history was over, then algebra, science. Now Thomas and I were walking to lunch.

We settled ourselves down at our regular lunch table. Thomas opened up his lunch bag and brought out a salad. With that, he took out a little packet of dressing. He struggled opening it, and when it finally DID open, it splattered on his white sweater.

"Dammit," he cursed under his breath, "I'll be right back." And off he went to get napkins.

I felt bad for him. That white sweater must have cost a fortune. I threw away my empty tray and then opened up my book. Not even a sentence into my book, a figure stood beside me. I looked up to see that Megan stood there. Holding a bowl of soup. Without even a chance to react, she poured the hot liquid all over me, soaking me and my belongings.

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